Are Lecture Capture live events recorded by default?
Yes. Kaltura Lecture Capture is first and foremost a lecture recording solution. Therefore, the main use case remains high-quality recordings of classrooms with the support of capture cards. Live lectures are recorded locally, not in the cloud. Afte...
How Can a Lecture Capture live event be owned by a “Group Owner”?
A Lecture Capture event may be owned by a group owner due to entitlement settings. This behavior is due to a backend constraint that does not carry out entitlements over ' scheduleEvent ' objects. To ensure that users that have access to the calenda...
Why can't the Lecture Capture organizer of a live event delete a specific entry in My Media?
Lecture Capture live events are tied to the My Calendar page. All events listed on the calendar are available for all users that have access to the calendar (aka the "Group Owner") to view/edit the events but not to delete them. This was designed to...
How many inputs are supported in the Kaltura Lecture Capture live event?
Live broadcasting with Kaltura Lecture Capture supports live streaming of the primary input only. If a PowerPoint presentation is opened in a slide display, the slides will be converted to images and broadcast alongside the primary input, such tha...
What hardware can Kaltura Lecture Capture be used with?
Kaltura Lecture Capture is a software-based solution that runs on standard, off-the-shelf PCs. The software is supported on Windows 7 and up OS. Mac OS is currently not supported. For additional details see the Kaltura Lecture Capture - Minimum Sof...
Does Kaltura Lecture Capture work with touch panel devices?
At this time, touch panel integrations are not supported. This is being evaluated for future phases of the product.
How does Kaltura Lecture Capture scheduling work?
Scheduled recordings are supported through the Recscheduling module (Recording Schedule). Instructors can schedule recordings in advance from their MediaSpace or LMS integration. Similarly to how you book a meeting in Outlook using My Calendar, ...
Where are Lecture Capture recordings stored?
All Lecture Capture recordings are stored locally on the recording computer as well as automatically uploaded to Kaltura. You can set recordings to be deleted after upload if you’d like. You can also direct recordings to be saved on a network folder...
Are there Lecture Capture notifications if something isn’t working right?
We added many notifications to ensure a smooth recording experience and to allow users to address any issues that may occur, such as disconnection of audio.
How do you view and edit the Kaltura Lecture Capture recording?
After the recording is uploaded, the media creator can view and edit the video on My Media in Kaltura MediaSpace or through their LMS integration. All Kaltura platform editing capabilities are available and the dual stream experience is automaticall...
What metadata can be added to the Kaltura Lecture Capture recording?
The Kaltura platform supports custom metadata that can be configured for each uploaded recording. When scheduling a recording, the user can determine the custom metadata for the recording. The information is populated after the recording is finished...
How do you share your Kaltura Lecture Capture recordings in Kaltura MediaSpace or KAF?
Scheduled recordings can be set with publishing workflows in advance. Admins can determine to which LMS course or KMS channel to share the content after the recording is complete. For ad hoc recordings, users can view the content in their personal My...
How does the Kaltura Lecture Capture installation work?
Kaltura Lecture Capture is a software application that is installed on Windows PCs. The application installation is done using an MSI file that can be deployed using software management tools such as SCCM. For additional information refer to Instal...
What’s the difference between Kaltura Lecture Capture and Kaltura Capture?
These two products are part of the bigger Kaltura Capture vision and are complementary to each other. Kaltura Capture was designed with personal capture in mind. It is optimized for installation on personal computers, both Mac and PC. Kaltura Capt...
How do you add captions to a captured lecture?
After the recording is complete and uploaded to Kaltura, you can get the captions file automatically, add the captions file manually, or order captions with Kaltura REACH. For additional information, see Upload and Manage Captions . ...
How is live broadcasting with Lecture Capture different than live broadcasting through Virtual Classroom?
Live broadcasting with Lecture Capture is a one-way broadcast experience of a physical classroom lecture to remote students. Because it is a one-way broadcast, it is not an interactive experience and there is no option for interaction between viewer...
How do I launch live broadcasting in Lecture Capture?
At the moment live streaming for Lecture Capture is only available for scheduled events (not for ad-hoc). On the Lecture Capture Create Event page, there is a “Live Event” checkbox. Check this box to set up your live streaming event . When it i...
Can I launch live broadcasting with Lecture Capture ad-hoc?
No. Currently Lecture Capture live streaming is supported only for scheduled events - ad hoc live events will be part of future roll-outs.
Can you live stream a lecture with Lecture Capture without recording it?
No, Kaltura Lecture Capture is first and foremost a lecture recording solution, therefore the main use case remains high-quality recordings of classrooms with the support of capture cards. Live lectures are recorded locally, not in the cloud. After...
How do I know if I’m live using the Kaltura Lecture Capture?
See the “ON AIR” indicator located above the primary input (the input that is live streamed) in the Kaltura Classroom application.
Where can I find my Lecture Capture live entry?
You can find your Lecture Capture live entries in your My Media repository and either share the content to relevant courses or channels and embed the content directly into your LMS/CMS/website.
Where can I find my Kaltura Lecture Capture recording?
Users can view the recording entry in their personal My Media repository. The My Media link is typically located on the course navigation panel, however, depending on your account setup, you may access My Media differently. Refer to the article, ...
Is the live broadcast experience with Lecture Capture the same as the VOD?
The first phase of live broadcasting with Kaltura Lecture Capture supports live streaming of the primary input only. If slides are available, they will be converted to images and broadcast along side the primary input, so that viewers get a dual-str...
What’s the maximum length of a live stream with Lecture Capture?
There is no limitation on the length of the recording or the size of the recorded file. Please make sure there is enough disk space available for extra long recordings and enough bandwidth to upload the recording. ...
Is the Kaltura Lecture Capture live broadcasting in real-time?
No, as with all live events, there is some latency (an average of 30-40 seconds) depending on the device, network quality, etc. This is in line with all live products and on-par with industry averages. Because live events are one-directional, th...
Is there a limit to the number of concurrent live events?
Yes, the default limit of concurrent live events is 3. If you would like to change the limit, please contact your Kaltura Customer Care representative.
What happens to the live entry after broadcasting has stopped?
When a recorded live lecture ends, the platform automatically redirects viewers to the recording entry ID. This is useful because there is no need to publish a different URL for the recording.
What entry is used for recurring classes when a Lecture Capture is broadcast live?
Recurring events use the same live entry. Each event has a separate entry for the VoD recording.
How do I change the input streamed to the Kaltura Lecture Capture live broadcast?
In the current first phase of the live broadcasting feature, only the primary input is streamed. To change the input that is streamed, please set a different input as the “primary input”. This can be done via the input setting.
How do slides work on a Kaltura Lecture Capture live broadcast?
If slides are available, they will be converted to images and broadcast alongside the primary input, so that viewers get a dual-stream experience. PPT needs to be in presentation mode to be detected. Animations or videos embedded in slides are no...
What happens if I click pause or stop in the middle of a Kaltura Lecture Capture live broadcast?
If you click Pause, the live broadcast will stop until the recording is resumed. If you choose to stop the recording ahead of the scheduled time, the live broadcast will stop as well. If you choose to stop broadcasting in the middle of the live stre...
What happens if I started the Lecture Capture event ahead of the scheduled time?
If you choose to start the event ahead of the scheduled time, the live broadcast will start as well. You will be on-air and live.
What is the quality of the Lecture Capture live stream dependent on?
The Lecture Capture live stream quality depends on the quality of the input and recording. Kaltura does not perform live cloud transcoding. The live broadcasting offered with Lecture Capture is passthrough only.
What are the differences between Kaltura's live solutions?
Kaltura offers a wide range of live and Real-Time Communication solutions, each is designed to meet the needs of a different live streaming demand, giving you the flexibility to choose the best solution for you and your organization. For more inform...