Unmute Your Microphone

If you confirmed that your microphone is not being blocked by your browser, operating system, another application or a security suite, then please perform the following tasks:

Unmute Your Microphone On Windows 10

We have seen that deep down in sound settings on Windows 10, microphones can occasionally be muted. Try the following to unmute your microphone and get it working in your live sessions.
  1. On your desktop, click the Windows button to launch the Start menu.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Choose System.
  4. Click on Sound.
  5. From within Sound Settings, click on Device Properties under the Input title (make sure the correct microphone is selected in the drop down menu).
  6. Click Additional Device Properties.
  7. From the Additional Device Properties pop-up, select the Levels tab.
  8. Is the mic muted? If it is, then click the speaker button to unmute your microphone.
  9. Click OK to confirm your changes.  
If it was muted, then you may need to refresh your window to apply the changes.

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