Media Gallery page

The Media Gallery is a central location in each course where users can view rich media assigned to the course. Only users enrolled in that course will be able to view the media assigned to the course Media Gallery.  

Administrators and course instructors can customize the appearance and settings of the Media Gallery by choosing Configure from the Actions menu. 

The Theming module has been enabled for the account used as reference in this article. 

Some of the basic functions are shown below:

  1. Let's Meet button - Press this button to initiate a live meeting. This is available to the administrator or course instructor if the Kaltura Meetings app is enabled.
  2. Custom link button - This is one of two optional custom link buttons that can be added to the Media Gallery. The name of the button, as well as the HTML page users will be directed to when clicking the button are configurable.
  3. Tabs for accessing Sessions, Playlists, Media, and About - Which tabs display, as well as the order of the tabs are configurable. Sessions and Playlists tabs are automatically hidden if no content exists therein.
  4. Actions drop-down menu - This menu offers additional options, depending on how the administrator has configured the Media Gallery. Options may include the following: 
  5. Media items available in this Media Gallery. The way in which media items display - in grid view (shown herein) or detailed view - depend on how the administrator has configured the Media Gallery. 

Administrators and course instructors may place a header, or banner, at the top of the page that adds an atmospheric background. A video may also be added to the header. Notice the different position of the Let's Meet and Custom link buttons if a header exists. 

Please note: Some features are still under development for the new Theming UI and will be available soon, such as - 

  • Adding media from the Media Gallery itself. 
  • Accessing a Shared repository in the Media Gallery.
  • Searching/filtering for media. 
  • Setting up content moderation.
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