Add Users To Channels (To Connect to Kaltura Meetings Live Room)

Legacy Notice Preview

ℹ️ Legacy notice

This article documents the legacy KME Room. For information on the new room, please visit the new Kaltura Room documentation.

Participants must be added to a channel to be able to join or initiate Kaltura Meetings Live Rooms as authenticated users. For more information on how to create a channel, please see the following videos: 

Adding Participants to A Channel

To add participants to a channel, a channel owner must:

  1. Login to your MediaSpace instance.

  2. Select a channel you want to add users to.

  3. Select Edit.

  4. Select the Users tab.
  5. Click Add Users.

  6. Enter the user or group name.
  7. Select the preferred channel role for that user or group and click Add.
    • Member - This permission allows the user to view channel content and Join a Live Room Meeting that has been launched by a Moderator/Manager as a participant in the live session.
    • Contributor - This permission level allows the user to not only view the channel content, but also add media to the channel. A Contributor may Join a Live Room Meeting that has been launched by by a Moderator/Manager as a participant in the live session.
    • Moderator - This permission level allows a user to view the channel content, add media to the channel, and moderate channel content.  A Moderator may Start A Live Room Meeting as the main instructor of the live session
    • Manager -This permission level allows a user to view the channel content, add media to the channel, moderate channel content, and access channel settings. A Manager may Start A Live Room Meeting as the main instructor of the session.

For a more information about channel permissions see Kaltura MediaSpace/Kaltura Application Framework (KAF) Roles and Permissions and the video How to Setup Members & Permissions in Galleries.

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