What is XML bulk upload?

XML Bulk Upload supports full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations, allowing for ingestion of entries, updates to existing entries, and deletion of bulk entries using an XML format. XML Bulk Upload is the recommended bulk upload option.

In addition, XML supports a hierarchical structure, unlike CSV. You can define a complete content package with XML that includes the video source file, its metadata, its custom metadata profiles, distribution profiles, set of transcoding flavors (if using your own transcoders), thumbnails and more.


  • Simplified integration with other systems, for example, media migration from one server to another.
  • Streamlined ingestion with automated processes.
  • More comprehensive ingestion models that allow you to manipulate all media entry object attributes and their related objects (such as flavors, custom metadata, access control and distribution profiles, etc.).

The full sets of features supported by the XML Bulk Upload are described in the XSD (the XML template).

An example XML file can be found here (or downloaded from the KMC Upload menu).

The bulk upload status is monitored through the bulk upload log under the Uploads control tab (see Bulk Upload). A log file and a copy of the CSV file are made available for troubleshooting or for historical records of uploaded content. 

Whether you are a medium-sized publisher or a media giant, consider the Bulk Upload option.

It's required that you batch jobs for any bulk action. For bulk actions involving the creation, editing, or deletion of more than 5,000 entries or users, including Categories bulk uploads, please submit batches of 500. If using API, please batch as 500, pause for 15 minutes, then submit the next batch of 500.

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