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 Upload media via KMC
What is a Kaltura Entry? Browser-based Ingestion Creating an Entry Upload Media Upload from Desktop Need High Speed Upload What is Bulk Upload? CSV Bulk Upload Entries XML Bulk Upload Uploading Entries in Bulk The Bulk Upload Log Page Downloading Bulk File Samples What is a Drop Folder? Automated Content Ingestion via a Drop Folder Drop Folder Table Drop Folder Statuses The Upload Monitor Create a Live Stream Entry Kaltura Live Streaming (HDS / HLS / DASH) Universal Streaming (HDS/HDLS) Manual Live Stream URLs Prepare Entry Prepare Video Entry Preparing a Draft Entry Workflow: Prepare Audio Entry Preparing a Draft Entry Workflow: Creating Draft Entries Key Benefits and Functionality of Draft Entries Hosting Videos at your Preferred Location and Linking to Kaltura Replacing Video Assets for a Kaltura Entry Uploading and Modifying Related Files
Create a live stream entry
The Kaltura live streaming platform empowers you to broadcast live events or 24/7 channels on any screen. This option allows you to effortlessly create live stream entries directly from your desktop. While your files are uploading, you c...
Create a draft entry via KMC
About Draft entries are like empty containers waiting to be filled with content. You can set metadata and publishing details upfront or alongside media processing. This flexibility is great for larger media teams, where metadata and media pr...
Kaltura high-speed upload user guide
Kaltura’s High-Speed Upload option is targeted at content administrators (KMC users) that upload media to their KMC account. The High-Speed Upload option is particularly useful for content administrators uploading large source files or time sens...
Drop folders service for content ingestion
Using a drop folder Drop folders are used to automate the ingestion of content into the Kaltura platform. The drop dolder service constantly watches each drop folder for new content and activates automatic ingestion of new content to the spe...
What is XML bulk upload?
XML Bulk Upload supports full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations, allowing for ingestion of entries, updates to existing entries, and deletion of bulk entries using an XML format. XML Bulk Upload is the recommended bulk ...
End-users CSV usage and schema description
About The end-users CSV is handy for provisioning, updating, or deleting numerous Kaltura accounts. It's useful for: Creating multiple end-user accounts, such as in MediaSpace, allows control over user authentication an...
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