Updated Articles

  1. Logo Updated

    Overview The Logo plugin adds an icon to the bottom right corner of the player, helping to identify your company's brand and enhance brand awareness. Setup To learn how to set the Logo plugin on the player, see The Kaltura Player Stu...
  2. Ordering Translations Updated

    About Translations provide a translated text representation of the spoken language in a video. They incorporate time information so that they are presented in relative sync with the audio or video.  Kaltura provides two translation optio...
  3. Ordering Captions Updated

    About Captions primarily convey dialogue and other relevant audio information, making videos accessible to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, or for viewers who prefer to watch videos without sound. They're typically in the sam...
  4. Annotokaf Updated

    This module extends Annoto module with additional functionality for Hosted KAF (Such as LTI Outcomes). Go to your KMS/KAF Management Console (<Your_Kaltura_site_Url>/admin) and navigate to the Annotokaf  module. Enable  - s...
  5. Customdata module Updated

    The Customdata module allows you to add metadata to media in your application in addition to the basic metadata (Name, Description, Tags). Learn more about how to create a metadata scheme in our article Add Custom Metadata Schema . You wi...
  6. Introduction to Powtoon Updated

    About Used by 30M+ people worldwide, Powtoon’s all-in-one visual communication platform empowers individuals, teams, and enterprises to transform complex and scattered information into powerful videos and visual content with a professional lo...
  7. The Powtoon Studio Updated

    Let's get to know the Powtoon Studio! Left side slide panel  ( 1 )   is used to display all the slides in thumbnail view. You can use this view to perform many actions, including adding, deleting, and duplicating slides. You ...
  8. Navigating the Powtoon Workspace Updated

    The Powtoon Workspace is your gateway to creating amazing Powtoon videos. In the Workspace, all the important information and functionalities are located in a single convenient location. Your Powtoon Workspace includes the following major sectio...
  9. Exporting Your Powtoon Updated

    After you’ve finished creating your Powtoon, you are all ready to export it to My Media on your Video Portal (aka MediaSpace) or KAF application. Click  Export  in the upper right corner.  The export process begins an...
  10. Live Captions Updated

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