Transcoding - Admin Guide


The Transcoding module allows administrators to enable a list of media flavors to be shown in the Edit Media and Entry pages and give users the ability to delete, reconvert, and download those flavors themselves.   

The sections herein will guide you through logging into the Configuration Management section of KMS and enabling and configuring the Transcoding module

This module is for both Theming and non-Theming users.

For technical support, contact Kaltura Customer Care. For all other inquiries, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.


1. Log into the Configuration Management console by going to your KMS URL and adding /admin at the end. 

2. Enter your Kaltura user ID and password.

3. Click Sign In. The Configuration Management console displays.

4. In the list of configurable items on the left of your screen, locate and click on Transcoding. 

The Transcoding item will be crossed out because it is disabled by default.

The Transcoding window displays.

The Module Info box displays the module name, description (what enabling this module allows users to do), and version number.

5. In the enabled pull-down list, select Yes to enable the Transcoding module.

Other configurable items following the enabled pull-down list are as follows. 

Configuration Name Options Description
editOnly Yes or No “Present in edit mode only. If set to 'Yes', the module will not show in view mode, only in edit mode. Thus, only owners and co-editors will be able to access the module
allowReconvertAllYes or No If set to 'Yes', a button will be added in the module to allow reconversion of the entry using the default conversion profile from the source file. If the source file does not exist, the option will not be presented. While the entry is reconverting the video will be accessible and playable.
entryReconvertMessage Free text Enter the message to be displayed when a request to reconvert the entire entry has been made.
entryReconvertButtonTextFree textEnter the text for the button which will convert the entire entry.
entryReconvertButtonGlyphFree textEnter the Bootstrap glyph name of the icon to display on the Reconvert All button.
entryInProgressButtonTextFree textEnter the text for the convert entry button while conversion is in progress.
entryInProgressButtonGlyphFree textEnter the Bootstrap glyph name of the icon to display on the Reconvert All button while conversion is in progress. 
tabNameFree textEnter the text that should appear as the name of the transcoding tab.
errorIconFree textEnter the Bootstrap glyph name of the icon to display on the Transcoding tab when one or more flavors are in error. 
errorExplanationFree textEnter the text to place as a tooltip on the Transcoding tab when one or more flavors are in error. 
deleteMessageFree textEnter the message to be displayed when a flavor has been deleted. Use <assetid> and <entryid> as tags within the message to include the asset id or entry id as desired. 
reconvertMessageFree textEnter the message to be displayed when a flavor has been reconverted. Use <assetid> and <entryid> as tags within the message to include the asset id or entry id as desired.
convertMessageFree textEnter the message to be displayed when a flavor has been converted. Use <paramid> and <entryid> as tags within the message to include the flavor params id or entry id as desired.
downloadGlyphFree textEnter the name of a Bootstrap glyph which will appear next to the Download option on the actions dropdown.
convertGlyphFree textEnter the name of a Bootstrap glyph which will appear next to the Convert option on the actions dropdown.
reconvertGlyphFree textEnter the name of a Bootstrap glyph which will appear next to the Reconvert option on the actions dropdown.
deleteGlyphFree textEnter the name of a Bootstrap glyph which will appear next to the Delete option on the actions dropdown.
columnNameNameFree textThe value to be shown in the column header for the flavor name. 
columnNameAssetIdFree textThe value to be shown in the column header for the flavor asset id.
columnNameFormatFree textThe value to be shown in the column header for the flavor format.
columnNameBitrateFree textThe value to be shown in the column header for the flavor bitrate.
columnNameResolutionFree textThe value to be shown in the column header for the flavor resolution.
columnNameStatusFree textThe value to be shown in the column header for the flavor status.
columnNameDownloadFree textThe value to be shown in the column header for the download, convert, reconvert and delete action links.
statusNameUnknownFree textWhat value should be shown for the flavor status if the status value is not configured?
Enter the values to be displayed for each flavor asset status. Click + Add "statusNames" to add values.
Select the name of the flavor asset status.
valueFree textEnter the value to be displayed for this flavor asset status. 

6. Click Save. You receive a notice that your configuration for Transcoding was saved and the cache was cleared.

Transcoding capability

Once enabled and configured, Transcoding functionality is displayed on the Media Entry page as follows: 

For Theming users, as part of the Actions menu.

For non-Theming users, as an additional tab - Transcoding. 

Transcoding functionality is displayed on the Edit Media page for both Theming and non-Theming users as an additional tab - Transcoding

Media Entry page - Theming users: 

Media Entry page - Non-Theming users: 

Edit Media pageTheming and Non-Theming users: 

This document is maintained by Kaltura’s Professional Services team. Please send comments or corrections to your Customer Success Manager. Ask them to forward it to the Professional Services team. We are committed to improving our documentation and your feedback is appreciated.

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