Assign topics to channels


Assigning topics to channels helps organize your content and makes it easier for users to find what they need. Topics act like tags, grouping similar channels together so users can quickly filter and discover relevant content.

For example, if you assign the topic "Tutorials" to a channel, it will appear in search results when users filter channels by that topic. Depending on your system settings, you can assign one or multiple topics to a channel.

Assign a topic to a channel

Navigate to the desired channel's edit page. You can do this by selecting My Channels from the user menu.

The My Channels page displays.

Locate the desired channel, hover over the bottom right corner of the channel thumbnail, and click the pencil icon.

The channel edit page displays.

Scroll down to the topic section and select the topic to assign to the channel.

In this example, we are assigning the topic 'Tutorials' to the channel.

Once you've added the topic, ensure you save your updates.

User experience

When users filter channels by a specific topic, all channels with that topic assigned will appear in the search results.

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