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  1. The Powtoon Studio Updated

    Let's get to know the Powtoon Studio! Left side slide panel  ( 1 )   is used to display all the slides in thumbnail view. You can use this view to perform many actions, including adding, deleting, and duplicating slides. You ...
  2. Playback Configuration

    Introduction Playback options can be configured in The Kaltura Player Studio in the Kaltura Management Console (KMC) or in the front-end application.  Within the configuration object provided to the Player, you can configure various option...
  3. Kaltura Video Integration with Webex Setup Guide

    Setting up the Webex Integration with Kaltura Prerequisites A Webex Account Access to Cloud Recording A Kaltura Account Installing the Webex Video Plugin for the Kaltura Webex Integration The Webex integration for Kaltura is an a...
  4. Open Source Components in KMS GO for iOS

    Crashlytics -   https://cocoapods.org/pods/Crashlytics pop -  https://cocoapods.org/pods/pop TTTAttributedLabel -  https://cocoapods.org/?q=TTTAttributedLabel AFNetworking -  https://cocoapods.org/pods/AFNetworking MGSwi...
  5. Record Your Live Session

    Overview With Kaltura Live Room cloud recording, you can record and archive your live sessions. Kaltura Live Room Cloud Recording is a premium feature available with any Kaltura Meetings Live Room plan. With Kaltura Live Room Cloud Recording, ...
  6. Preparing Webcasting Presenters/Speakers

    Offer your webcast prersenters/speakers a timeline to establish expectations. It also helps to give them an idea of the time commitment they are signing on for to keep everyone on the same page and moving forward toward your live events – toge...
  7. Kaltura Video Plugin for WordPress Information Guide

    Overview of the Kaltura Video Plugin for WordPress Kaltura’s All in One WordPress Video Plugin is a standard WordPress Plugin that adds Kaltura’s powerful video capabilities into WordPress. With the Kaltura Video Plugin for WordP...
  8. Microphone or Webcam Not Working?

    Follow the steps in this graphic:
  9. Regional Cloud Releases

  10. Recycle bin New

    About Great news! We have a recycle bin! You no longer have to worry about accidentally deleting an entry or changing your mind afterwards because the recycle bin feature allows you to delete entries with an option to restore them later. Not onl...
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