Video Portal gap analysis moving to Theming

The Theming feature set is currently in a limited features release mode. The following features are not available on the Theming-based pages at the moment: 

  • Video Portal channels:
    • Channel moderation 
    • Search in channel
    • Add media to a channel 
    • Remove media from a channel 
    • Channel theme feature tab (note that a different feature set is available)
    • Channel tags on the header 
    • Channel topics
    • Action buttons (for example, edit and analytics) and media details (for example, entry owner and number of likes) that appear on the media thumbnail (as shown below).
  • Media view page
    • "Add to" functions (except for the main media upload function under the '+Create' button which is Theming-based). 
    • Option to add collaborators (co-editors, co-publishers, and co-viewers) in the upload media form.
    • Media styling to support removal of elements on the page.

To learn more about Theming, check out our article Video Portal Theming Feature Set.

You can also keep up to date on everything new and improved in MediaSpace video portal and KAF by reading our Release notes.

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