Event organizers have the option of removing an attendee from an event via the All users page, but in order to completely delete a user from the system, Event organizers must create a technical support case, providing certain details on the user they would like to delete.
Version: 5.131.x Date Released: July 29, 2024 What's new? Theming-based My Media and Publish - The My Media page is the latest to join the long list of Theming-based pages. In addition to the slick new UI, the page contains new v...
The Custom Data Filter module allows users to filter custom metadata through custom metadata fields, in addition to the current available options in the search page. KMS admins can set up to eight custom metadata fields with which the user can filter media in KMS.
This guide is for high-level administrators who want to use the Audit Trail tool in Kaltura's Video Portal to review and audit a history of changes made to entries or categories.