New Articles

  1. Import to channel

    You can import content from one channel to another using the channel import feature
  2. Permanently delete items from the recycle bin

    The following instructions require the recyclebin module to be enabled.  Although the items in the recycle bin are automatically deleted after a specified number of days, an item can also be permanently deleted manually by the media owner....
  3. Restore deleted items from the recycle bin

    Did you delete something and now you want it back? Accidents happen, but don't worry, you can easily restore deleted items without even bothering your administrator! The following instructions require the Recyclebin module to be enabled.&...
  4. Add questions to your video quiz

    Getting started Launch the Video Quiz Editor,  as demonstrated in Create a video quiz .   Click +Add a Question , then choose the question type. The following question types are available: Multiple Choice  - A questi...
  5. Creating a Webcasting Event - Theming Feature Set Enabled

    About This article describes how to create a Webcasting Event. This guide demonstrates the Theming Feature Set. For the setup guide, check out Theming module. Getting Started When you create a webcasting event, you will need to s...
  6. Add pre-test questions to a quiz

    If you want to (be nice and) allow your quiz participants to prepare for their quiz ahead of time, you can easily arrange for a Pre-test with all the questions and answers to be available! Setting up the Pre-test is so easy, you hardly have to...
  7. KMS Version 5.109.27x March 27, 2023

    Version: 5.109.27x  Date Released: March 27, 2023 What's New? Theming based Channels - Joining the tools available on the new channel pages UI are: Import channel - Ability to import the content of the channel from other cha...
  8. How to customize default messages

    When a user performs a certain action, such as completing a registration process or trying to access unauthorized content, a default message is displayed. If you'd like to change the wording of a message or completely rewrite it to suit your ...
  9. Video Portal reset password

    How to reset your password
  10. Edit a channel Updated

    Enhance your channel's layout, appearance, and functionality with Kaltura's versatile editing features.
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