New Articles

  1. Understanding galleries

    Galleries offer a dynamic platform for showcasing and sharing content. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Kaltura Mediaspace galleries provide a powerful tool for content creators, educators, and businesses looking to leverage media to engage, collaborate, and inspire their audiences.
  2. Streaming multiple video flavors or multiple audio tracks

    To stream multiple video flavors or audio tracks alongside your live video stream use the same RTMP URL for all streams and use different stream names for each of the different flavors.  Video and audio tracks stream names should be set a...
  3. Kaltura Events May 2023

    Date Released: May 2023 What's New Private Session – Event organizers can now completely hide a session from attendees by changing the visibility to private, making it available to event admins only. This can be used when you do not ...
  4. Kaltura Events April 2023

    Date Released: April 2023 What's New Events Showcase - An amazing tool to promote events and brands has arrived! Admins and event hosts can now share or embed this beautiful page, showcasing their past and upcoming events and webinars. Mar...
  5. Kaltura Events March 2023

    Date Released: March 2023 What's New New Reports tab - A new tab designed to help event organizers easily access all available reports for their events in one convenient location. With this new page, event organizers can quickly download r...
  6. Kaltura Events February 2023

    Date Released: February 2023 What's New Live captions: Event organizers can now order live captions for their live webcast and DIY sessions. Check captions tab on edit session. Note that the ability to order live captions requires Reach...
  7. KMS Version 5.109.44x May 8, 2023

    Version: 5.109.44x  Date Released: May 8, 2023 What's New? Player v7 image support  - Now supporting v7 player on the Imageentry module in the customPlayerId  field. Make sure to enable image support on any existing...
  8. Search module

    About The Search module unlocks your vast video library, offering convenient access through both the header bar and the dedicated global search page. Optimized for video content, it provides accurate and efficient search ca...
  9. Kaltura Meetings May 7th, 2023

    Date Released: May 7 th, 2023 Items KME-733 A number of improvements have been made to the translations, and the coverage has been extended NR2-7736 There are cases where users who have joined the room using the dial-in feature have ...
  10. Analytics tab - Reports

    This article describes how to generate and download reports on your webinar.
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