Main details tab - Edit the site details


This article describes how to edit settings on the virtual classroom's site.

Edit the virtual classroom site details

After creating a new virtual classroom, navigate to the Main details page; from the site page, click the Main details tab. 

Note that you may also reach the Main details page by clicking the Edit details button on the virtual classroom banner of the Overview page.

The Main details page displays.

You may access the virtual classroom site by clicking the blue Visit Classroom site button on the top right corner of the screen, or by clicking the blue up arrow next to the Classroom URL (the URL that was automatically generated automatically when the virtual classroom was created). You may launch the classroom by clicking the blue Launch Classroom button.

The editable fields in the Virtual classroom Main details page are as follows: 

  • Classroom title - A title for your virtual classroom.
  • Short description - A description of your virtual classroom.  

Once you are finished editing all the site details, click the blue Publish changes button. 

The Publish changes button is grayed out/dimmed upon entering the page, and only becomes 'clickable' after at least one edit is made to the page.

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