How to get the direct download URL (raw file) for your media?

The download link for your content can be retrieved by the flavorAsset.getUrl API call or the downloadUrl returned on the entry object. Following you will find instructions for both options.

To get the download link via the downloadUrl prop

  1. Open the API console at (Sign In) or
    In case Testme Console is used, first, you will need to generate a KS session as demonstrated on How to Start a Kaltura Session using the TestMe Console
  2. Select Session Service > baseEntry.
  3. Select Action > get.
  4. Enter the desired entryId (string).
  5. Click Send.
  6. Copy the link to download from the downloadUrl results and paste it into your browser.

Tip - The URL under the 'dataUrl' tag in the call output can be used as the player Logo image URL

To get the download link via the getUrl action

This action enables you to download the different flavor assets available on the KMC Flavors tab.

  1. Open the API console at (Sign In) or
    In case Testme Console is used, first, you will need to generate a KS session as demonstrated on How to Start a Kaltura Session using the TestMe Console
  2. Select Session Service > flavorAsset.
  3. Select Action > getUrl.
  4. Enter the desired flavor asset id (string).  
  5. Click Send.
  6. Copy the resulted link to download and paste it into your browser.

For more information, please refer to the Kaltura API workflows.

Alternatively, if the entry is not set with any access control restriction, you will also be able to create a link to download the a media (video/audio files only), using the following structure -{PID}/sp/{PID}00/playManifest/entryId/{entryId}/format/download/protocol/https/flavorParamIds/0
You will be prompted to download the file with the original file name.


1. Fill in the Partner ID & Entry ID in the following template:
2. Copy the URL into your browser.
3. You will be prompted to download the file with the original file name.

If the link does not work, this is because you have enhanced security turned on. The media might be restricted for download capabilities as Access Control is turned on or because it is in a Mediaspace category with 'Default Entitlement Enforcement' enabled on your account (default). To learn more, please refer to Backend Behavior with Respect to Entitlement and Privacy Context Settings.

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