How to configure VOD and Live Streaming using a BitGravity account on the Kaltura SaaS Platform?

Ensure that the following features/options are configured in the account on the Kaltura Admin Console:

  1. Configure the account to support Live Streaming.
  2. Configure the account as a sub account of TCL main account, so that TCL can control the new account via the Management Console.

Partner’s Parameters for VOD Streaming

You will need to supply us with the Partner’s Parameters for VOD Streaming from your BitGravity account.



Partner Name

TCL-{company id} See Network Settings Parameters.

Enable Remote Storage


Enable Origin Pull


VOD Origin Pull Hostname

{company id}

VOD Remote Storage Hostname

{company id}

Multiscreen-WSA Origin Pull Hostname

{company id}

Multiscreen-WSA Remote Storage Hostname

{company id}

Enable SecureAccess


URL Secret (If SecureAccess enabled)


Token expiring

Default - 300

Network Settings Parameters

The Company Id should be taken from “Network Settings” > “Network Overview” tab.


To configure the Origin Pull ONLY

The following setting should be used in BitGravity configuration:

  • The Origin pull should be set to: {company id}

Partner’s Parameters for Remote Storage

To configure the Partner’s Parameters for Remote Storage

Please supply the following parameters from your BitGravity remote storage account.

BitGravity FTP username 
BitGravity FTP password 
BitGravity FTP Host name 

SecureAccess Configuration

Secured access should be configured on the ‘/s’ URL in BitGravity’s dashboard.



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