File Manager

This article is intended for room hosts and moderators.

Prepare your videos, files, and resources in advance – or anytime you want – with a built-in content management system. With this file manager, you can access and upload files, organize them into folders, and present them in your room. 

The file manager is accessible to hosts, admins, and participants with enabled permissions.

Access the file manager

  1. Click the 3 dots menu on the bottom toolbar.
  2. Click on Media and Files.

    The file manager window displays your media and files, automatically organized with folders per room ("course"), and subfolders for breakout rooms and recordings.

Navigate the file manager

The top of the file manager displays the following features: search (1), Kaltura media (2), folder (3), file (4) and refresh (5).


  1. Type a search term into the search bar. 
    All relevant results will display as a drop-down. The default is set to search only within the currently open folder. You can click the checkbox to include searching globally, within all your other folders. 
    In that case, if the file you select is in another folder, then you are taken to that folder. The grey text underneath each file name shows the location of the file.
  2. Click on the file result that you want.

Kaltura media

  1. Click the icon to access your Kaltura media.
    You can search, with filter options of file types, and select media from your galleries or My Media.

  2. Click Add to storyboard, Play, or Close to exit the file manager window.

Add folder

  1. Click the folder icon to create a new folder.
  2. Type the folder name in the dialogue box. 
  3. Click Save to create the folder.

Add file

  1. Click the file icon to launch your operating system file browser.
  2. Select the file(s) you want to upload.

    Select multiple files to upload at one time with "ctrl+ click" or "shift + click"(PC) or "command + click" (Mac) .

  3. Click the file browser confirmation button.

    The files are uploaded directly to the current folder you are in.

The following file types are supported: PDF, PPT, Image, Video.


Click the refresh icon to refresh the list of files and folders.

Folder hierarchy

The main pane of the file manager window shows the organization hierarchy of your files and folders. You can access and manage all files uploaded to your courses without having to enter each course room individually. The root folder in the hierarchy is Courses, which contains folders corresponding to each room you create.

You cannot edit these folders.

  1. Click the name of a folder to open it. As you open various folders, a file path displays above the list of files and folders.
  2. Lost your way and want to quickly return to your current room? Simply click Back to room files to see the files and folders of your current room.

Manage files

When you click on a file, you'll see icons displayed on the top to delete, edit and download, as well as clickable buttons at the bottom of the window.


  1. Click the trash can icon (1) to delete the file you've selected.
    You'll be asked to confirm your action since deleting a file cannot be undone. 
  2. Click Delete in the delete confirmation pop-up.


  1. Click the pencil icon (2) to edit a file or folder name.
  2. Type in the new name.
  3. Click Save.


Click the download icon (3) to download a copy to your computer.

You can download multiple files at once by utilizing "ctrl+ click" or "shift + click"(PC) or "command + click" (Mac) to select files, then clicking Download.

Add to storyboard

Click Add to storyboard (4) to add the media to your storyboard. (This button only displays as clickable after selecting a file.)


Click Play (5) to play the file on stage for all those in the room to view. (This button only displays as clickable after selecting a file.)

By default, all microphones are disabled while a video is being played in the room. This is to prevent echoes caused by participants' speakers being streamed back into the room. Microphones are re-enabled automatically when the video is paused or stopped.

Breakout rooms folder

Moderators and hosts, and participants with enabled permissions can upload files to the breakout room folders specific to each room, or within the Breakout Rooms Shared folder for all users to access. Uploading files can be done ahead of time when preparing breakout sessions, or during the live breakout session. 

  1. If you're currently in the main room, click Breakout Rooms Shared Folder.
    If you're currently in one of the breakout rooms, you can only upload to and access the Breakout Rooms Shared folder for the room you're in.
  2. Click Add file if you'd like to add a file, or select a file to Add to storyboard or Play.

The Breakout Rooms Shared folder remains untouched upon clearing breakout rooms. 

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