Entrydesign module


The Entrydesign module allows media owners and co-editors to modify the styling of a specific media page.

This module is designated for Kaltura Video Portal and KAF applications.


1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click on the Entrydesign module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/entrydesign.

The Entrydesign page displays.

2. Configure the following:

enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module. When enabled, the Display tab is added to the editing capabilities on the edit media page, as shown below:

entryDesignRole - Decide which roles are allowed to design media pages. Choose from the options in the drop-down menu:

  • specific users or groups
  • privateOnly
  • admin role
  • unmoderatedAdmin role


In this section you can add players you want users to use on the entry page. If none is provided, the site’s default player will be used.

  1. Click +Add "players".
  2. An additional section displays. 
  3. playerDisplayName - Enter a name for the player.
  4. playerId - Enter the player ID for the player that shows in the Display tab on the edit media page.
  5. entryType - Select an entry type from the options in the drop-down menu:
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Quiz
  • Image
  • Webcast/Live
  • Rapt media

Continue to add players as desired by clicking +Add "players".

showEmbedPlayerOption - Select the player behavior with the embed and default players. Choose from the options in the drop-down menu:

  • Force Entrydesign Player in Embed Code - If selected, the Entrydesign player will be used in the embed code of the Share tab. Players designated in the Embed module will be overridden.
  • Use Embed Module Players (default) - If selected, the Embed player will be used in the embed code of the Share tab. Players designated in the Entrydesign module will be overridden.
  • User Selects - If selected, in case a player is set for the corresponding entry type in the Entrydesign module, the owner/co-editor will see additional fields to select the "Entry Player" and a tickbox “Set as Embed Player”. Players designated in the Embed module will be overridden.
  • If you choose User Selects, a button called Set as Embed Player displays on the Display page under the player selection, as shown below:

allowedElements - Select which elements are displayed for the media owners to control. Choose from the following options:

  • Sidebar
  • Entry properties
  • Entry tabs
  • Comments
  • Header
  • Header logo
  • Footer

Media owners will be able to choose which of these elements to display or remove. For more information on each option, see our article Customize media display. 

In our example below, the Administrator has chosen to provide users control of showing the sidebar, comments, and footer. The user has chosen to show all three elements on the page with the video (all three are checked).

allowCSS - Set to 'Yes' to allow the entry owner to use CSS to change the look and feel of the page. If enabled, this option displays to the user on the Edit Entry page as follows. 

allowLogoChange - Set to Yes to allow the entry owner to set a new logo for KMS when viewing the entry. If enabled, this option displays to the user on the Edit Entry page as follows.

showLastArchived - Set to 'Yes' to allow live entry owners to customize the default setting, enabling a link to the last archived video at the top of the live page.

3. Click Save to save your configuration settings.

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