Create chapters and add slides in Blackboard


Chapters and slides enhance the viewer's experience by providing structured navigation and additional visual elements within videos. Chapters act as bookmarks, allowing users to easily navigate to specific sections or topics, while slides offer synchronized visuals that complement the main content. In this article, we'll walk you through how to create, edit, and utilize chapters and slides to optimize your video content and improve viewer engagement in Kaltura's video portal.

Viewers interact with the extended player and don't have access to the editing timeline. Within the player, viewers can navigate chapters and slides and search for text within them. For more information, check out our article Dual Screen.

The Chapters module must be enabled before using this feature.

In KAF instances that are set with remote storage configuration, slides on entries are stored and played from the remote storage. 

Create chapters

  1. Access the edit media page and click on the Timeline tab.
  2. The media's timeline displays.

  3. Click the Create New Chapter icon.

    The chapter settings display.

  4. Move the cue point to the desired position of the first chapter.

Chapter information

Enter name, description, and tags (optional). The exact time of the cue point is shown, and you can modify it if necessary.


A default thumbnail is set for the chapter, but you can change it using Auto or Upload.


Pick a moment in the video for the thumbnail image and click Auto to create it automatically.

The thumbnail updates.


  1. Click Upload (or click on the thumbnail).
  2. The Thumbnail upload window displays.

  3. Choose a file to upload.
  4. Click Save.

    The image displays as your new thumbnail for that chapter.

    At any time, you can preview the chapters in the player by clicking View in Player.

  5. When you have finished configuring your first chapter, click Save.
  6. To create another chapter, click the Create New Chapter icon and repeat the steps above.

Delete chapters

  1. Click on the cue point of the chapter you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete Chapter.
  3. A confirmation message displays: 'Are you sure you want to delete this chapter?'

  4. Click Delete to confirm.

Click View in Player any time to see your changes.

Create slides

  1. Move the cue point to where you want to add the slide(s).
  2. Click the arrow below the slides icon and select Upload Full Deck to add a series of slides (the supported formats are PPT, PPTX, and PDF), or Upload Single Slide to upload one slide (image file types only are supported).

If the option to "Upload Full Deck" is not available, please contact your Kaltura administrator to have it enabled. For additional information see the Chapters module.

Upload full deck

  1. Click the upload icon.
  2. The Deck upload window displays

  3. Choose the resolution (default is Normal), then drag and drop the desired file or click +Choose a file to upload.
  4. You can return to the timeline while the upload is processing by clicking Back to Timeline.

  5. After the upload and processing have finished, the slides will be equally spread across the timeline and you can manually rearrange them.

Arrange your slide deck

  1. Click and drag the slide to the desired position in the timeline.
  2. In the slide information section, enter a name, description and tags (optional) for the slide.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Repeat this process for each slide.

Upload single slide

  1. Click the upload icon.
  2. The upload window displays.

  3. Choose a file to upload (image file only).

  4. Click Save.
  5. Enter name, description, and tags (optional). The exact time of the cue point is shown, and you can modify it if necessary.
  6. Click View in Player any time to see your changes.

  7. When you are happy with all your configurations, click Save.
  8. The slides appear on the player. To learn more about viewing slides on the player, check out our article Dual Screen.

Delete slides

  1. Click on the slide you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete Slide
  3. A confirmation message displays: 'Are you sure you want to delete this slide?' 

  4. Click Delete to confirm. 

You can only delete one slide at a time.

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