Add media to a playlist


Playlists serve as an effective tool for organizing and presenting media content. In your video portal, you can conveniently add media to playlists, thereby improving the accessibility and engagement of your content.

Via 'My Media'

  1. Open My Media from the user menu.
  2. On the My Media page, check the box(es) to the left of the media you would like to add to the playlist. 
  3. From the ACTIONS menu, select Add to playlist.
  4. Choose which playlist you would like to add the media to.
    • Select an existing playlist(s) 
    • Create a new playlist

  5. After you have made your selection, click Add
  6. A message appears saying that the media was added to the playlist.
  7. Finally, go to your Playlists page to see the playlist with the new media. 

Via the media page

  1. Browse to an item's Media Page by clicking on the thumbnail.
  2. Select Add to Playlist from the Actions menu.
  3. The Add to Playlist window displays. 
  4. Choose which playlist you would like to add the media to.
    • Select an existing playlist(s) 
    • Create a new playlist

  5. After you have made your selection, click Add. A message displays that this media was added to the playlist.

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