Using the Batch Processes Control to cancel a transcoding or distribution job

You can cancel a transcoding or distribution job that is in progress only before a batch worker starts the job.

After a batch worker starts a transcoding or distribution job, the job runs to completion.

For more information on canceling jobs, use the Batch Process Control Tab in the Kaltura Administrator Console.

Batch Process Control Tab - Kaltura Admin Console

Here you can control all the aspects of the Kaltura platform batch processes. The Batch Process Control tab contains five functionality options: In-progress Tasks, Failed Tasks, Setup, Entry Lifecycle and Entry Investigation.

In-Progress Tasks Page 

Here you may see all ongoing batch tasks in your site. You can be constantly updated on the current situation and understand your system’s batch processing behavior. The page contains two tables: the in-progress tasks table lists the batch tasks that are currently processed and the in-queue tasks table lists the batch tasks that are waiting to be processed. In both tables you’ll find useful information on the characters of each batch task. This may include an option to cancel a batch task currently in queue or abort a batch task currently in progress. 

Please note that an action that you take on a ‘parent’ entry affects its ‘children’ entries as well. You may filter the in-progress tasks by using several filters, such as date range for task creation, Entry ID, Publisher ID or the specific task type. These filters will apply on both of the tables in this page. Clicking a task name within the table will display additional information on the specific batch task parameters. Clicking an entry name leads to the entry lifecycle page. The page refreshes every 30 seconds (can be adjusted). You may pause and resume the automatic refresh or refresh manually by clicking on the "Refresh Now" button. 

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