Metadata character limits


Making sure titles, descriptions, and other metadata fields are just right is key for users to find what they're looking for and have a smooth experience. Check out the character limits below to help keep your content organized in Kaltura.

Basic metadata fields

Entry Object:

  • Entry Title (name): 256 characters
  • Entry Description: about 16,000 characters
  • Entry Keywords (tags): about 16,000 characters 

Category Object:

  • Category Title (name): 200 characters
  • Category Description: about 16,000 characters
  • Category Keywords (tags): about 16,000 characters

You can't use the characters < > in category names. Instead, they will be automatically replaced with underscores (_).

Custom metadata fields

For custom metadata fields, whether they're linked to an entry, category, or user, there's no limit on the length of stored values. However, if a value exceeds 128 characters, the text won't be indexed for searching. This limit applies per custom metadata field value, so if a multi-value field has one value under 128 characters and another over, only the longer one won't be searchable.

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