
PlayKit JS 360 & VR


This guide will walk you through the configuration of the VR plugin for the PlayKit JS Player for developers.

The Kaltura Player supports 360° video on both desktop and mobile devices for any kind of motion: mouse, touch, device motion, and keyboard keys.

This plugin is dependent on three.js library.

The player will be informed that it deals with 360/VR media which is part of the Kaltura player config sources (using providers population the sources with the hints below)

metadata must contain "tags": "360" and "vr": {} which is not null

In case the app is using setMedia instead of load media tags and vr attributes are expected to be populated by the app.

  "sources": {
    "options": {},
    "metadata": {
      "tags": "360"
    "hls": [],
    "dash": [],
    "id": "",
    "duration": 362,
    "type": "Vod",
    "poster": "",
    "dvr": false,
    "vr": {},
    "captions": []

Getting Started


The plugin requires PlayKit JS Player to be loaded first.


First, clone and run yarn to install dependencies:

git clone cd playkit-js-vr yarn install


Then, build the player

yarn run build

Embed the library on your test page

Finally, add the bundle as a script tag on your page, and initialize the player

<script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH/TO/FILE/playkit.js"></script>
<!--PlayKit player-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH/TO/FILE/playkit-vr.js"></script>
<!--PlayKit VR plugin-->
<div id="player-placeholder" style="height:360px; width:640px">  <script type="text/javascript">    var playerContainer = document.querySelector("#player-placeholder");    var config = {     ...     plugins: {       vr: {         toggleStereo: true       }     }     ...    };    var player = playkit.core.loadPlayer(config);    playerContainer.appendChild(player.getView());;  </script>


  • The Player will load on stereo mode

  • Enable toggle VR/stereo mode button.

  • Change the sensitivity of the motion using moveMultiplier attribute. by default is 0.15.

  • Change the sensitivity of the device itself, using deviceMotionMultiplier attribute. by default is 1.

  • Change the camera options - The projection mode is designed to mimic the way the human eye sees. It is the most common projection mode used for rendering a 3D scene. CameraOptions.

    "vr": {       "startInStereo": false,           "toggleStereo": false,           "moveMultiplier": 0.15,      "deviceMotionMultiplier": 1,      "cameraOptions": {        "fov": 75,        "aspect": 1.777, // (width/height)        "near": 0.1,        "far": 1000      },    },

Configuration attributes


  • VR Plugin Player Event - 


  • VR Plugin Player Error code - 


VR Plugin Example

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