There are four types of virtual classroom roles - Admin, Organizer, Speaker, and Moderator.
An Admin is the platform admin; the one who has access to all configurations and virtual classrooms created for this account, adds/removes team members, and manages their user type.
An Organizer manages specific virtual classroom(s). The Organizer has full access only to virtual classrooms they manage and within them can manage and configure all the different capabilities, settings, content, and people. Organizers are also assigned as moderators on their virtual classrooms.
Speakers are invited to the event because of their knowledge on a particular subject.
Moderators oversee and facilitate the discussion during the event. They support the speakers and help keep the event on track. Moderators also ensure the virtual classroom attendees receive a productive, engaging experience.
Main activities
Create virtual classrooms on the account
View, edit, and delete all virtual classrooms on the account
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We’re excited to introduce you to our new KMS and KAF player V7 replacement tool
Check out the new Player Upgrade tool in your admin page.