

Review Your Quiz Results
After the completion of a quiz, you can review detailed quiz results. Find Your Quiz Results Only room instructors or admins can access quiz results. Go to smart.newrow.com after you've completed a quiz in your live room. From the C...
Create and Edit Your Course Quizzes
This article describes how to create course quizzes for on-demand and live assessment. Quizzes are a great tool for measuring learner success and self assessment. With Kaltura Live Room Quizzes you are able to keep tabs on learner progress and me...
Import Quizzes to Multiple Live Rooms
Companies that create and reuse quizzes may want to import quizzes and share them across the company. How to Import Quizzes? To import quizzes, contact your Kaltura Customer Care to enable the Quiz module and provide advanced instructions. &...
Enabling and Working with Imported Quizzes
Importing quizzes not only provides a way to bulk create quizzes, but it also provides an easy way to re-use quizzes in different rooms in the same campus. The key functions are: Bulk create quizzes from a CSV Re-usable quizzes that can be access...
Live Assessment With Real Time Quizzing
With Kaltura Live Room, you can create quizzes and conduct live assessment in your live sessions. Create Quizzes For Live Assessment Select Tools. Choose Quizzes. Click the + button. Select the Quiz Name field and enter in ...
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