Set Device Settings (Legacy)
Set the webcam, microphone and speakers you want to use in your live room session. Manage Your Media Device Settings Click the Settings gear ⚙️ in the upper bar of the live room. Select the drop down menus corresponding to Select Webca...
Set Up Webinar Mode (Legacy)
This article provides the step by step process for ensuring you are ready to deliver a meeting, class or training in Webinar mode. Make Sure your Room Settings are Correct Go to the Kaltura Live Room. Click on the Settings gear (⚙) . Scro...
Set Class Modes: Standard room vs Large room
Room hosts can change the class mode of your Live Room from Standard room (previously Virtual Classroom mode) to Large room mode (previously Webinar mode). Class modes help provide a live class experience better aligned with the instructor's ...
Set Participant Permissions (Legacy)
Your participants can be set as a moderator to help you manage your live session or be given limited permissions to contribute to the live session. What Permissions Can You Give? You can give specific participants additional permissions to fur...
Set Up Browser Focus (Legacy)
This article describes how to get real time indications on the focus of your participants in your live session. When moderating a remote session, it can be difficult to understand how focused your participants are. Reporting back on the success o...
BETA: Upload Presentations With Embedded Audio Files
This guide demonstrates how to upload and play presentations and PDF's along with audio files to play audio files corresponding to specific slides and pages. This is a beta feature that pertains to NR1 and has limited availability. For NR2, audi...