This guide demonstrates how to upload and play presentations and PDF's along with audio files to play audio files corresponding to specific slides and pages.
This is a beta feature that pertains to NR1 and has limited availability. For NR2, audio files can be uploaded externally via the Course portal - Please contact Kaltura Customer Care to learn more.
Prepare and Upload Your Files
At this time, you cannot just upload a presentation with embedded audio files. If you do this, then you will successfully upload the presentation, but you will not have the interactive audio layers as part of the presentation.
Instead you will need to create a CSV file that defines which audio files correspond to specific slides in your presentation or PDF. You'll then need to take that CSV, related audio files, and presentation and zip them.
Prepare Your CSV File
To upload a presentation or PDF with related audio files, you'll first need to create a spreadsheet as follows:
- Create a new spreadsheet.
- In row 1, column A enter the name of the column: mp3.
- In row 1, column B enter in the name of the column: page.
- In each subsequent row enter:
- In column A, enter the exact name of the mp3 file. For example: lesson1audio.mp3
- In column B, enter the number of the slide that the specific audio file corresponds to
- When done, save the spreadsheet as a CSV: mp3relations.csv
Zip Your Files
Now that you have all the related files - presentation, audio files, CSV - it's time to zip them.
- Select the related files:
- Presentation or PDF
- Related MP3 audio files
- Corresponding mp3relations.csv CSV you created
- Zip them.
- Name the Zip file the same name as the presentation or PDF.
For example, if the presentation or PDF were called lesson1presentation.pptx then name the Zip file
Upload Your Zip File To Kaltura
It's time to upload your file to Kaltura.
- Sign into Kaltura MediaSpace.
- Enter your Live room/course.
- From the course directory, click Files.
- Click on the folder named Playlists to open the Playlists folder.
*Don't see it? Then this feature isn't fully enabled for you, yet. Contact - Create a playlist by clicking the Create New Folder button or just open up an existing playlist folder.
- Once within the playlist folder, click the icon called Add Audio Slides.
- Select the Zip file with your presentation, audio files, and CSV.
After the Zip file is uploaded, you will see it as an PPT or PDF in your folder.
Play Your Presentation Embedded Audio Files
Now that you uploaded your presentations with audio files, you can play them in your live classes.
- Join your Kaltura virtual classroom.
- Click on Files.
- Select Courses in the file path.
- Select the folder name Playlists.
- Click the name of the playlist your previously created (see Upload Your Zip File To Kaltura above).
- Select the presentation you uploaded.
- Click Play.
- From the slide tray, select the slide that has embedded audio. When the slide is selected, you will see all related embedded audio files.
- Click the audio file you want to play for your participants.