New Articles

  1. KMS Version 5.109.91x August 14, 2023

    Version: 5.109.91x  Date Released: August 14, 2023 What's New Playlist creation flow  - Made a small adjustment to the way we create playlist, instead of a modal box, the user is redirected to a playlist creation page, wher...
  2. KMS Version 5.109.98x August 27, 2023

    Version: 5.109.98x  Date Released: August 28, 2023 What's New Registration Embedded registration  - This new capability allows admins to take the registration form and embed it as is, without the need to build a webhook ...
  3. Create a draft entry via KMC

    About Draft entries are like empty containers waiting to be filled with content. You can set metadata and publishing details upfront or alongside media processing. This flexibility is great for larger media teams, where metadata and media pr...
  4. The Kaltura Player - Version 7.74

    Includes: Kaltura Player (V7), Player Plugins, Player Studio Release date: August 22 nd , 2023 Version Highlights: Pre/Post Live & Error slates branding and customization The player now allows customisation of pre-live, post-live and...
  5. Mediastitching

    Media Stitching allows users to stitch or splice together multiple videos and images to create a new, original video.
  6. ZioTag

    Ziotag is a generative AI-powered video platform that makes video and audio accessible for all, promoting discovery, search, navigation, engagement, retention, and knowledge transfer. You can order the following ZioTag services within Kaltura as pa...
  7. Kaltura Events August 2023

    Date Released: August  2023 What's New Interactions tab  -   The Interactions tab is a central place where event moderators can elevate their sessions. Three interactions options are now available:  The exist...
  8. HubSpot integration for webinars

    HubSpot is a platform that connects marketing, sales, and services tools to a unified CRM database. Kaltura HubSpot integration creates HubSpot contacts for event registrants and updates their attendance status.
  9. Recyclebin

    With the recycle bin module, you can activate a recycle bin for your KMS/LMS, empowering users to restore deleted items within a specified timeframe. Deleted items are temporarily stored in the recycle bin before permanent deletion. Once enable...
  10. Understanding Shared Users

    What's a 'shared user'? The concept of a 'shared user' in the context of Kaltura's applications is less about the individual being shared but rather how the application (for example, MediaSpace Video Portal) h...
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