This module enables users to create, publish, and search for Kaltura Meeting Rooms within the site. It requires the Newrow module to be enabled.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Meetingentry module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/meetingentry.
The Meetingentry page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enable - set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
allowedUsersOrRoles - Select who can create a Kaltura Meeting Room. Choose from the following options:
- privtaeOnly Role
- admin Role
- unmoderatedAdmin Role
- Specified Users / Groups
advancedEntrance - Set the time (in seconds) before the scheduled event start when attendees can join the meeting room, provided a moderator has already started it.
Here you can set up the default room template and manage the available room templates that owners can choose from when creating their personal rooms.
availableRoomTemplates - Choose from System template - Interactive room or System template - Panel room. These are the templates that room owners can use for their rooms during creation or when editing room settings via the Room Mode drop-down menu on the edit media page, as shown below:

defaultRoomTemplate - Select the default room template for all new rooms created in the account. Choose from System template - Interactive room or System template - Panel room.
3. Click Save.