
Is the search tool the same for the KMS GO and KMS web applications?
For KMS GO, a   new way of searching for entries is available.   Unlike the global search in KMS for the web, KMS GO allows you to simultaneously search in an entry's basic metadata (name, description, tags) and inside complex data belonging to an ...
Can I save my searches?
Yes. See   Exploring Media
How do I get the Push Notifications and My Subscriptions presence on the home page?
In the  Kmsapi  module, set the allowPushNotifications to Yes, as they are currently off by default.
How do I set “My Subscriptions” on the Home Page?
In the Kmsapi module, set the showMySubscriptionSection to Yes. You can choose the “My Subscriptions” on Home Page to show a Subscribed Channels view (default), OR set showEntriesInMySubscriptionSection to 'Yes' to display the subscribed media fe...
Which TLS version is required for the app to work on iOS?
KMS GO on iOS is supported with TLS 1.2 and above.
KMS requires that you have forcehttps enabled. Does your entire MediaSpace instance have to be over https?
Kaltura no longer requires forceHttps in versions KMS 5 and above. Your SSL settings should be set with a minimum of Login Only (or All Site).
Is MDM supported?
MDM support is limited to MDM's that offer app wrapping technology, such as MobileIron, AirWatch and InTunes. KMS GO can be delivered as a .ipa file for iOS and a .apk or .obb file for Android. Please contact your MDM provider and find out if an ...
How long does the authenticated session last for a logged-in user?
An authenticated session lasts as per the mobileSessionLifeTime configuration in the Kmsapi Admin Configuration.  When a KMS server deploys a new version to production, the previous session expires. ...
SAML security - Are the login credentials cached and encrypted?
KMS GO does not cache user data. A session cookie is maintained in the app after a user logged in, using NSUerDefaults, without encryption. All data is stored in NSUsersDefaults in the app/kms-instance settings, and in the user's cookie if logged-i...
Does the app connect to ADFS system each time it is launched?
No, KMS GO uses the session configured to access the MediaSpace server.
When does a user have to re-enter their ID and Password?
 When a session expires, which depends on the MediaSpace Kmsapi module configuration for the mobileSessionLifeTime . ...
Does the KMS GO app work on On-Prem Platform?
If your On-Prem version contains the  Kmsapi module the KMS GO app should be configurable. However, you must have the latest Kmsapi module for the app to work, Contact your Kaltura customer representative for information about updating the Kmsapi m...
Can you switch the KMS Go language?
Yes you can change the application’s language if your instance has been configured to support multiple languages.  The option to change the language is available through the application’s Settings section. ...
Open Source Components in KMS GO
Open Source Components in KMS GO - Android Volley -  https://developer.android.com/training/volley/index.html Picasso -  http://square.github.io/picasso/ Crashlytics -  https://fabric.io/kits/android/crashlytics/summary RoundedImageView - ...
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