Who can open a channel room?
The channel/course manager/owner must access the Live Room in order for the room to be open. If a member tries to open the room, they’ll receive a message saying the instructor needs to join.
Is Kaltura Meeting Available in Both KMS & KAF Applications?
Yes, Kaltura Meeting is available both in MediaSpace and Kaltura Application Framework (KAF). Two types of Live Rooms may be launched from MediaSpace: A private Live Room that is associated with a user ID. A channel Live Room that is launche...
What is Supported in KAF?
When enabled, the Live Room may be launched from the Media Gallery in KAF that is launched from a course in the LMS. Only course rooms are supported via KAF (no personal rooms).
How Can I Launch a Live Room from MediaSpace?
You can launch either a private Live Room, or a Live Room associated to a channel from MediaSpace. To launch a private Live Room Click on your username drop down menu and select “My Live Room” (Private Live Room option can be enabled by your Ka...
How is Entitlement Maintained?
Users can force sign in or they can allow access to the Live Room - both channel rooms and personal rooms - via a direct link without the need to sign into KMS. By default, KMS users (managers in the channel, or personal room owners) have the abili...