Zoom Integration - Administrator Guide


The Kaltura-Zoom integration allows you to automatically transfer all Zoom cloud recordings to Kaltura for archiving, transcription and compliance. 

See the Kaltura Video Integration with Zoom Setup Guide for configuration settings and information.


  • A paid Zoom account
  • Access to Cloud Recording
  • A Kaltura account


The Zoom plugin for Kaltura works at the account level, meaning that all recordings made by Zoom users within the configured account are automatically uploaded to Kaltura.

Installation or removal of the Kaltura Zoom plugin from the Zoom Marketplace can only be done by Zoom account admins.

Once the Kaltura Zoom plugin is installed and enabled:

  • All Zoom cloud recordings for the account are sent to the configured Kaltura account.
  • Only the Zoom admin has the authority to edit the application configuration.
  • Recordings made before the installation won't be uploaded to Kaltura.
  • Transfer to Kaltura begins seamlessly, though it might take a few minutes for recordings to be accessible from Zoom.

For a step-by-step guide on installing the Kaltura Zoom plug-in, check out the video below.


User mapping

  • When choosing Zoom User ID, the Zoom user ID is matched to a Kaltura user ID. In some cases, users are defined in Zoom differently than they are defined in Kaltura. For example, Zoom may transfer the entire email address (e.g. first.last@company.com) and in some cases only the user name (e.g. first.last). This setting enables sync between Zoom users and Kaltura users by adding or removing a postfix (e.g. @company.com) or maintaining the same user ID as in Zoom.
  • Based on SAML mapping - if using SAML mapping in Zoom, Kaltura can also match the CMS user ID provided by Zoom mapping. 

For additional information and mapping settings, see the Kaltura Video Integration with Zoom Setup Guide

The following logic is applied when matching the recording to it's rightful owner: 

  • If the host user exists in Kaltura (based on SAML mapping or Zoom user ID), the ID is mapped. If a postfix was set during configuration, the system will match based on the postfix configuration. The recording will be displayed under My Media in Kaltura's MediaSpace video portal for the matched user ID. The Zoom meeting host is the recording owner in Kaltura.
  • If the Zoom meeting host ID does not exist in Kaltura, Kaltura will try to match based on email. If this method fails as well, the recording is mapped to the Default Kaltura User ID and the Default User ID becomes the owner of the recording in Kaltura. 
  • If the Default Kaltura User ID does not exist in Kaltura - it is automatically created. Other users are not automatically created.

Filtering Zoom recordings

You can define a category for all Zoom recordings to easily filter your recordings in the Kaltura Management Console (KMC). You can then search for Zoom recordings. For more information, check out our article Search and Filter Media.

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