This session is intended for admins and content creators. It will cover the Kaltura data analytics life cycle, including collection, storage, processing, and visualization in both the Kaltura MediaSpace Portal and the Kaltura Media Management Console.
Key Takeaways
Drill down by viewingengagement heatmaps.
Viewentryhighlights,exportdata,filter,andsettimeoptionstotrackyour entry over time.
UnderstandQuiz and interactive video analytics.
Getactionableinsights to help youoptimizeyourcontentovertime.
KalturaMediaSpaceAnalytics (KMS)
Learnhowtoaccessandunderstandvideoanalytics and how the viewers are consuming it.
Review all available dashboards: channel,playlist, quiz,andVODanalytics.
KalturaManagement ConsoleAnalytics (KMC)
Gain a deeper understanding of your video data to extract more insights and see the full picture. Learn how to utilize the analytics tab for greater accuracy in account-level analytics.
Identifyhowtospottrendsviadatahighlights,daily insights, and Kaltura scoring.
UnderstandhowCategory Analytics can help you optimize your content placement
Distinguishqualitymetricsforbothcurrent and past live events.
Webcast Entry-LevelAnalytics
Discover how your usersengagewith a specific Webcastingentry,wheretheywatcheditfrom,and with what devices so thatyou can track andoptimize your live events.
Please note that many of the pages in our website have been translated from English using machine translation tools. Kaltura cannot guarantee the accuracy of these translations. When in doubt, please refer to the English version of the text. You are welcome to share any inaccuracies with Kaltura that you detect, however, Kaltura is under no obligation to implement the suggested changes.
We’re excited to introduce you to our new KMS and KAF player V7 replacement tool
Check out the new Player Upgrade tool in your admin page.