Delete Whiteboard and Annotative Drawn Marks

This article describes how to delete marks drawn on your digital whiteboard or shared files.

There are a few options to delete objects drawn on your digital whiteboard or shared files.

Delete or Erase Drawn Objects

Moderators can delete any marks drawn on the whiteboard. Participants with Draw on whiteboard permissions are only able to delete objects they drew.

To Delete Specific Marks

Participants can only delete marks they draw.

  1. Select the Cursor tool.
  2. Select the object you want to delete.
  3. Hit the Delete key on your keyboard.

To Erase Drawn Objects

  1. Select the Eraser icon.
  2. Click & drag the eraser over whiteboard marks you want to erase.

To Clear The Board

Clearing the whiteboard is only an option for moderators.

  1. Click the 3 dot menu in the top right of the whiteboard.
  2. Select Clear This Board.
  3. Click Ok to in the Confirm Delete pop-up.

To Reset The Entire Whiteboard

Resetting the whiteboard deletes all boards in the whiteboard and all marks on them. The process cannot be undone!

  1. Click the 3 dot menu in the top right of the whiteboard.
  2. Select Clear All Boards.
  3. Click OK to in the Confirm Delete pop-up.
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