Custom Virtual Event Platform Modules


Agenda Module
The Agenda module displays a list of all the site's live events from a specific category in one page.  A connection between the Preview site and Main site may be configured for larger events. Please make sure to add the users' groups in...
Chatandcollaboration module
About This module is used to render the Chat and Collaboration (C&C) widget. Use this module to configure the widget on the entry-level. This module must be enabled both on Events and KMS. Configuration Enabled - enable the module ...
ChatandcollaborationAdmin module
About This module is used to setup announcements and to configure the admin integration for Events in the Chat and Collaboration (C&C) widget.  Configure enable - set to Yes to enable the module. AnnouncementsAppUrl Descri...
During an event, Kaltura's gamification tools spark networking between participants and build real relationships with your audience. Allowing participants to earn badges through actions, for example, motivates them to even further engage in the ...
The Webhookregistration module is configured to allow external registration providers to create new users in KMS, grant them access to an entry or a channel and then send a confirmation email to the registrant email address with a magic link to a...
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