Create a gallery


Administrators can create the main (parent) galleries in the Video Portal via the Management Console (KMC), and the sub-galleries from either the KMC or Video Portal. Once the galleries and sub-galleries are created, they can be edited and managed directly via the Video Portal. As an administrator, you can assign gallery managers to assist with creating sub-galleries and managing the gallery settings. To learn more about galleries, visit our article Understanding galleries.

Galleries are also known as 'categories'.

Create a gallery via KMC

  1. Log into your KMC account and select Content from the header.

  2. Select the Categories tab.

  3. Click Add Category.

  4. The New Category window displays.

  5. In the Name field, type a name for your gallery.

  6. Click the arrow next to MediaSpace to open its sub-menu.
  7. Scroll down to Site and click the arrow next to it to open its sub-menu. 
  8. Select galleries.

  9. Click Apply.

The gallery should appear on your video portal's top navigation bar.

Note: This might take a few minutes to update. To speed up the process, click Clear the cache on the KMS admin page.

Create a sub-gallery via KMC

  1. Follow steps 1- 8 above.
  2. Select the gallery you want to add your new sub-gallery to.

  3. Click Apply.

Create sub-sub-galleries 

  1. Follow the steps for creating a sub-gallery (see above).
  2. After you have created a sub-gallery, click on it to add the sub-sub-gallery to it.

  3. Click Apply.

Below is a view of a sub-sub-gallery menu in the video portal:

Now that you know how to create a gallery, you can learn how to edit it in our article Edit a gallery.

Create a sub-gallery via your video portal

  1. Sign in to your video portal account and, from the navigation bar, select the main gallery you want to add a sub-gallery to.

    The gallery page displays.

  2. Click the edit icon (three bars) in the upper right corner and select +Add a Sub-Gallery from the menu.

    The Edit page displays.

Complete the details

  1. Complete the following fields for your new sub-gallery:
    Name – Enter the sub-gallery name which will display under the main (parent) gallery.
    Description – Enter a summary of the sub-gallery content which will display on the sub-gallery page.
    Tags – Enter a descriptive tag to use in searches.
    Reference ID- (Optional) Enter an external identifier for supporting integrations with systems external to Kaltura.
  2. Select the Privacy settings:

    Open - Anyone can view content (including anonymous users) but only admin role users and category members can contribute content.
    Restricted - All logged in users can view content but only Category members can contribute content.
    Private - Only Category members can view and contribute content.
    Note: Sub-categories under a private category will be visible only to members of those sub-categories.
  3. (Optional) Select the Options settings:

    Moderate content (Media will not appear in category until approved by category manager.)
    Enable comments in category.
    Keep comments private to category.
  4. Click Save.

Your new sub-gallery appears under the main gallery, marked by an arrow in the navigation bar.

Add users

  1. Click the Users tab.

  2. Click the +Add Users button.
    The Add Users screen displays.
  3. Type in the user name.
  4. Select the permission type.
    • Member
    • Contributor
    • Moderator
    • Manager
  5. Click Add.

For guidance on permission types, visit our article Specific End-user Permissions.

Reorder sub-galleries

By default, galleries appear in the order they were created, with the most recent ones appearing last. Administrators can change this order via the KMC.

  1. Log into your KMC and select the Categories tab.

    The categories page displays.
  2. Find the category in the list and click on the three dots to the right of it to open the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Edit.

    The Edit Category page displays.

  4. Click the Sub Categories tab.
  5. This tab only displays when there's more than one sub-category.

  6. Change the order of the galleries by clicking on the three dots menu to the right and clicking 'Move Up' or 'Move Down'.

  7. Click Save.

You can immediately view the changes by refreshing your video portal site.

For more information about managing categories, visit our article Managing categories.

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