Breakout Rooms


Can I Automatically Assign People To a Breakout Room?
Yes. Assigning via breakout has a random auto function as shown below.          ...
How Many Breakout Rooms Can Each Live Room Have?
The maximum amount of breakout rooms that can be created is 100 . The maximum amount of participants that can be allowed in each breakout room is 50 . Note, you can assign participants to breakout rooms automatically, entering either  the number...
Can I Set Up Breakout Rooms In Advance and Pre-Assign People?
Yes! you can find details about pre-assigning participants to breakout rooms in this article . 
Why Does the Timer in the Breakout Room Only Allow 10 Minute Increments?
The 10 minute interval is only if the breakout has already started.
Is There a Way to Set a Custom Time Limit For Breakout Rooms?
Yes. Before starting a breakout, you can enter a time limit in any whole number value.   To learn more about Breakouts, click here . ...
Can the Presenter Be In Multiple Rooms?
Yes. Presenters can join multiple rooms at the same time. However, presenters can only be in one breakout room at a time in the same session.
Can I Bring Presentation Content Into the Breakout Rooms?
Yes. You can bring presentation content into the breakout rooms, however, only once the breakout is initiated. To add content, please refer to Play Or Share Your Uploaded Files . Breakout rooms are automatically cleared after each breakout sessio...
You Are in a Breakout Room and a Student Enters the Main Room Late. Can You Be Alerted?
Virtual Classroom does not have the ability to alert you if you are in a breakout room. However, if you have breakout room set to auto-assign, students who enter the main room will be automatically brought into a breakout session. If breakout is set...
Can I Schedule the Breakout Rooms (i.e., For the Teacher or a Conference That Has a Schedule)?
No. Kaltura Virtual Classroom does not allow for scheduling of breakout rooms. 
Can you Rename the Breakout Rooms?
Yes, in our newest version of breakout set to debut in October 2021 you will be able to rename breakout rooms.  Please check out Breakout rooms . ...
How Long Can a User Stay in Breakout Rooms?
A user may remain in a breakout room until the Instructor clicks on the “End Breakout” button. A user can even log out of the breakout room and log back in at a later time, as long as the breakout room is still active.  For “Manual Breakout”, a ne...
Is Information in Breakout Rooms Saved for Future Use?
Yes. Information in a breakout room is saved therein, as long as the breakout room remains open. Once the breakout room is closed, all information therein is discarded.
Can an Instructor Enter a Breakout Room Ahead of Students and Prepare Work for Them?
Yes. Use the following steps to prepare work for students ahead of them entering breakout rooms.  Start breakout rooms before students log in to the rooms.  Enter each room and load content. Return to the Breakout Manager and place...
Can Breakout Rooms Be Recorded and Where Can I Find the Recordings?
The breakout rooms can be recorded. Breakout room recordings are stored as separate files in addition to the main session recording. Breakout sessions are not recorded automatically if the main session is recorded, recording has to be initialized m...
Can you Set a Different Breakout Time For Each Room?
No. Kaltura Virtual Classroom only allows setting the same breakout time to all rooms. 
How many participants can be placed in breakout?
The maximum amount of breakout rooms that can be created is  100 . The maximum amount of participants that can be allowed in each breakout room is  50 . Note, you can assign participants to breakout rooms automatically, entering either  the number...
Can I preload files into a breakout room?
Yes, you can load materials into breakout rooms using the shared breakout folder for breakout participants to access.  You can also load/broadcast files into your breakout rooms during a live breakout session.  Load Materials into Breakout Rooms (...
Can students see the file I broadcast into the room if all other permissions are turned off?
Yes. The students will always be able to see what is presented on the stage by others.
Do students see the annotation bar if the "Annotations" permission is on?
They will see the same pencil you see on the bottom right of the screen to turn on the annotations toolbar. When that pencil is clicked by the student, the toolbar will show up.
Can I change breakout room permissions while in breakout room mode?
No. You have to select the permissions before breaking out. You can also end the session and reinitiate it if needed. You will notice the [Permissions] button is  not shown in the breakout room manager while the breakouts are in session. ...
Can participants mute each other in breakout rooms?
No. They can only control their own mute button/webcam.
Can a participant or guest be made a moderator in a breakout room?
Anyone can be made a moderator in the main room and they will remain a moderator if they go to breakout.
If Chat is turned off, can the students see messages I broadcast into the room?
Yes. The ability of the host to broadcast messages in the room is independent of the Chat feature turning on or off.
When a guest records in a breakout room, where does it go?
When a participant records a session in the breakout room, the recording can be accessed: 1. Within the live room, inside a folder called Breakout Recordings under Files.  Hosts can access this folder. 2. The participant's My Media in Mediaspace (...
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