Analytics tab - Engagement analytics


This article describes how to view engagement analytics on your event.

Navigate to the Engagement page

From the Event page, choose Engagement from the Analytics tab pull-down menu.

The Engagement page displays.

Section Descriptions

The first portion of the page (shown above) provides information on highlights, top videos, and insights.

The second portion (shown below) provides information on player impressions (a player impression event is counted each time the player is loaded on the page), plays (a play is counted when a user clicks the Play button to watch a video; if the player is set to auto-play, a play event will be counted when the player begins to play the video), unique viewers (number of unique users that had an active viewing action during the time period), minutes viewed (minutes played across all viewers), average completion rate (average percentage of completion, across all plays), and average drop off rates (the average percentage of drop-off quartile (last quartile watched), across all plays).

The third portion (shown below) focuses on top videos.

The fourth portion (shown below) provides information on how player impressions led to engagement. This includes player impressions, plays, and impressions that resulted in [number]% play-through (VOD) (pull down menu allows you to select percentage).

💡You may also perform the following additional functions on the Analytics page:

Export specific analytics

Filter by several different data points

Sort based on specific dates or time

Compare data from one period to another

Download report

You may click the Download Report button to download a PDF version of the dashboard.

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