In this article we provide examples of calls and responses relative to Translation jobs in Reach integration flows.
Retrieving a task
Retrieving a machine translation task
Example of a response after requesting a task with the REACH profile information for a machine translation job using entryVendorTask.get - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:
{ "id": "381257922",
"partnerId": 5162732,
"vendorPartnerId": 5162702,
"createdAt": 1698137683,
"entryId": "1_skilm10u",
"status": 1,
"reachProfileId": 222762,
"catalogItemId": 18202,
"accessKey": "djJ8NTE2MjczMnw8fp5_FOtBtUK4j4sV--auKnGLuC6EMsYFYMgAuYd8I0pWs6QipGKRhSaYG-9QXR3upOmeoAY9Aorpe4B7n3Vkuf8q9E3aWs3y1RVuoe5lXZ7AvxSrT0GjLQEyA6g1sLuxF_z-AxYZNgjG4vQ0vGDq6bbK_kzMK_q8RybUQBH63Ow5vT3xkQLtA4WnNcdLwGTwFfgR6sJVsveZ2P7FRGKxMXmWDZZY0i7gJXcdhcQRTw==",
"version": 11,
"taskJobData": { "captionAssetId": "1_bq18b0sa", "objectType": "KalturaTranslationVendorTaskData" }, "relatedObjects": { "reach_vendor_catalog_item": { "objects": [ { "targetLanguage": "Spanish", "enableSpeakerId": false, "serviceType": 2, "serviceFeature": 2, "turnAroundTime": 10800, "sourceLanguage": "English", "allowResubmission": false, "objectType": "KalturaVendorTranslationCatalogItem" } ], "totalCount": 1, "objectType": "KalturaVendorCatalogItemListResponse" }, "reach_vendor_profile": { "objects": [ { "name": "REACH profile - US Region", "defaultOutputFormat": 1, "enableMetadataExtraction": true, "enableSpeakerChangeIndication": false, "enableAudioTags": false, "enableProfanityRemoval": true, "maxCharactersPerCaptionLine": 26, "labelAdditionForMachineServiceType": "", "labelAdditionForHumanServiceType": "", "contentDeletionPolicy": 2, "flavorParamsIds": "", "vendorTaskProcessingRegion": 1, "objectType": "KalturaReachProfile" } ], "totalCount": 1, "objectType": "KalturaReachProfileListResponse" } }, "objectType": "KalturaEntryVendorTask" }
Note that the captionAssetId
is indicated in the task output, this information enables you to download the source language caption file.
Retrieving a human translation task
Example of a response after requesting a job with the REACH profile information for a human translation task using entryVendorTask.get - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:
{ "id": "362949112",
"partnerId": 5486112,
"vendorPartnerId": 5484572,
"createdAt": 1692429589,
"entryId": "1_owvysqdg",
"status": 1,
"reachProfileId": 251412,
"catalogItemId": 20682,
"accessKey": "djJ8NTQ4NjExMnzZLXFRWM_oTVMrJhVSjFkImUvnyFGbBV9ePvsUV2F0CFREBbSrZFl0dPweklxti1zidekuoEv0975U6_8dDhKKSikD0_hyLLtIaUls6rWHSzy9JqaagAk8x7kXAyebOaRygf0hAZeXcwAxFLrZfiyKq2b326e-E5AI3V7iQPbXT6wS6Gm28IbNeCxkoBKwKJEIerj7feUCIQbwUUO1d43n86FcoXDScjbb5aoEzorL6g==",
"version": 11,
"notes": "My instructions for translation using Professional captioning",
"relatedObjects": { "reach_vendor_catalog_item": { "objects": [ { "targetLanguage": "Dutch", "outputFormat": "1", "enableSpeakerId": false, "serviceType": 1, "serviceFeature": 2, "turnAroundTime": -1, "engineType": "OpenCalaisReachVendor.OPEN_CALAIS", "sourceLanguage": "Catalan", "allowResubmission": false, "objectType": "KalturaVendorTranslationCatalogItem" } ], "totalCount": 1, "objectType": "KalturaVendorCatalogItemListResponse" }, "reach_vendor_profile": { "objects": [ { "name": "Reach test", "defaultOutputFormat": 1, "enableMetadataExtraction": true, "enableSpeakerChangeIndication": false, "enableAudioTags": false, "enableProfanityRemoval": true, "maxCharactersPerCaptionLine": 26, "labelAdditionForMachineServiceType": "", "labelAdditionForHumanServiceType": "", "contentDeletionPolicy": 2, "flavorParamsIds": "", "vendorTaskProcessingRegion": 1, "objectType": "KalturaReachProfile" } ], "totalCount": 1, "objectType": "KalturaReachProfileListResponse" } }, "objectType": "KalturaEntryVendorTask" }
Note that the task does not give an indication of a source caption file, the human translation work is done by the translator who listens to the original soundtrack to produce the translation in the destination language.
Retrieving a translation task which does not require a captions file
Example of a translation task details JSON of an order which does not require a captions file using entryVendorTask.get - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:
"id": "404434252",
"partnerId": 4358723,
"vendorPartnerId": 4358703,
"createdAt": 1706526665,
"entryId": "1_wzjb7oo5",
"status": 1,
"reachProfileId": 142323,
"catalogItemId": 27622,
"accessKey": "djJ8NDM1ODcyM3wH1x6Y-CYe0EesWOqeGWv00_OTtBVivgkPyB1woVUAGac-D00jzhB9Dl6bJAWtGY4ISmaPfYhJxmxJLip2prX6HcRk-pvgm5tqR1uNl3gRBD8fL1ERaa0pSjp-ReGxwNvBpiU3ErIloS9uBFoTZhShEJXwhP2ZSbyyPx33QHmVtH7O8gsABFE58huogkSn5YUezP5Gv2xKrOtH0VTyvRR21gI39b_niZCJa5zMBnjbAQ==",
"version": 11,
"relatedObjects": {
"reach_vendor_catalog_item": {
"objects": [
"targetLanguage": "Welsh",
"requireSource": false,
"enableSpeakerId": false,
"serviceType": 1,
"serviceFeature": 2,
"turnAroundTime": -1,
"engineType": "OpenCalaisReachVendor.OPEN_CALAIS",
"sourceLanguage": "English",
"allowResubmission": false,
"objectType": "KalturaVendorTranslationCatalogItem"
"totalCount": 1,
"objectType": "KalturaVendorCatalogItemListResponse"
"reach_vendor_profile": {
"objects": [
"name": "QA Profile",
"defaultOutputFormat": 1,
"enableMetadataExtraction": true,
"enableSpeakerChangeIndication": false,
"enableAudioTags": false,
"enableProfanityRemoval": true,
"maxCharactersPerCaptionLine": 26,
"labelAdditionForMachineServiceType": "",
"labelAdditionForHumanServiceType": "",
"contentDeletionPolicy": 2,
"flavorParamsIds": "",
"vendorTaskProcessingRegion": 1,
"objectType": "KalturaReachProfile"
"totalCount": 1,
"objectType": "KalturaReachProfileListResponse"
"objectType": "KalturaEntryVendorTask"
Retrieving catalog item details for a translation task
Example of a response after requesting catalog item details for a translation task using vendorCatalogItem.get - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:
"targetLanguage": "Dutch",
"outputFormat": "1",
"enableSpeakerId": false,
"fixedPriceAddons": 0,
"id": 20682,
"vendorPartnerId": 5484572,
"name": "Translation test",
"systemName": "Translation test",
"createdAt": 1692378647,
"updatedAt": 1692378647,
"status": 2,
"serviceType": 1,
"serviceFeature": 2,
"turnAroundTime": -1,
"pricing": {
"pricePerUnit": 0,
"priceFunction": "kReachUtils::calcPricePerMinute",
"objectType": "KalturaVendorCatalogItemPricing"
"engineType": "OpenCalaisReachVendor.OPEN_CALAIS",
"sourceLanguage": "Catalan",
"allowResubmission": false,
"objectType": "KalturaVendorTranslationCatalogItem"
Update a job
Example of an API call to update a job using entryVendorTask.updateJob - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:
curl -X POST \
-d "id=234343434" \
-d "entryVendorTask[accuracy]=70" \
-d "entryVendorTask[catalogItemId]=873743784" \
-d "entryVendorTask[entryId]=1_eyl6k4e0" \
-d "entryVendorTask[errDescription]=My%20custom%20error" \
-d "entryVendorTask[externalTaskId]=987685474" \
-d "entryVendorTask[status]=6" \
-d "entryVendorTask[taskJobData][objectType]=KalturaTranslationVendorTaskData" \
-d "entryVendorTask[taskJobData][captionAssetId]=1_qu1grtg3" \
-d "entryVendorTask[objectType]=KalturaEntryVendorTask"
Retrieving captionAsset
Listing captionAssets for an entry
Example of a request to list all captions assets using captionAsset.list - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:
curl -X POST \
-d "filter[objectType]=KalturaAssetFilter" \
-d "filter[entryIdEqual]=1_v2m3cnbq"
Example of a response after requesting for a captionAsset using captionAsset.list - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:
{ "totalCount": 4, "objects": [ { "id": "1_85nwea1q", "entryId": "1_v2m3cnbq", "partnerId": 4863201, "version": "1", "size": 73002, "tags": "", "fileExt": "srt", "createdAt": 1682087377, "updatedAt": 1695200917, "description": "", "sizeInBytes": "73002", "captionParamsId": 0, "language": "English", "languageCode": "en", "isDefault": false, "label": "English", "format": "1", "status": 2, "accuracy": 86, "displayOnPlayer": false, "associatedTranscriptIds": "1_462rzb5h,1_zoymftge", "objectType": "KalturaCaptionAsset" }, { "id": "1_hb1wwtw6", "entryId": "1_v2m3cnbq", "partnerId": 4863201, "version": "1", "size": 61982, "tags": "", "fileExt": "srt", "createdAt": 1695200916, "updatedAt": 1730706446, "description": "", "sizeInBytes": "61982", "captionParamsId": 0, "language": "English", "languageCode": "en", "isDefault": false, "label": "English", "format": "1", "status": 2, "accuracy": 93, "displayOnPlayer": false, "objectType": "KalturaCaptionAsset" }, { "id": "1_luepyilo", "entryId": "1_v2m3cnbq", "partnerId": 4863201, "version": "1", "size": 54449, "tags": "", "fileExt": "srt", "createdAt": 1695200918, "updatedAt": 1695200918, "description": "", "sizeInBytes": "54449", "captionParamsId": 0, "language": "Spanish", "languageCode": "es", "isDefault": false, "label": "Spanish", "format": "1", "status": 2, "accuracy": 93, "displayOnPlayer": true, "objectType": "KalturaCaptionAsset" }, { "id": "1_5curouvu", "entryId": "1_v2m3cnbq", "partnerId": 4863201, "version": "1", "size": 61982, "tags": "", "fileExt": "srt", "createdAt": 1730706445, "updatedAt": 1730706446, "description": "", "sizeInBytes": "61982", "captionParamsId": 0, "language": "English", "languageCode": "en", "isDefault": true, "label": "English", "format": "1", "status": 2, "accuracy": 99, "displayOnPlayer": true, "objectType": "KalturaCaptionAsset" } ], "objectType": "KalturaCaptionAssetListResponse" }
Retrieving captionAsset
Example of a request to retrieve a captions asset using captionAsset.get - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:
curl -X POST \
-d "captionAssetId=1_bq18b0sa"
Example of a response after requesting for a captionAsset using captionAsset.get - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:
{ "captionParamsId": 0, "language": "English", "languageCode": "en", "isDefault": false, "label": "English", "format": "1", "status": 2, "accuracy": 100, "displayOnPlayer": true, "id": "1_bq18b0sa", "entryId": "1_skilm10u", "partnerId": 5162732, "version": "1", "size": 3487, "tags": "", "fileExt": "srt", "createdAt": 1698137666, "updatedAt": 1698137667, "description": "", "sizeInBytes": "3487", "objectType": "KalturaCaptionAsset" }
Retrieving a captionAsset download URL
Example of a request to retrieve a captions download URL using captionAsset.getUrl - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:
curl -X POST \
-d "id=1_bq18b0sa"
Example of a response after requesting the download URL for a captionAsset using captionAsset.getUrl - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation: