Adding extended audio descriptions

In this article we provide examples of calls and responses relative to Extended Audio descriptions jobs in Reach integration flows.

Retrieving catalog item details for an Extended Audio descriptions job

Example of a response after requesting catalog item details for an Extended Audio descriptions job using vendorCatalogItem.get - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:

  "flavorParamsId": 0,
  "clearAudioFlavorParamsId": 0,
  "outputFormat": "3",
  "id": 20692,
  "vendorPartnerId": 5484572,
  "name": "Extended AD test",
  "systemName": "Extended AD test",
  "createdAt": 1692433906,
  "updatedAt": 1692433906,
  "status": 2,
  "serviceType": 1,
  "serviceFeature": 9,
  "turnAroundTime": -1,
  "pricing": {
    "pricePerUnit": 0,
    "priceFunction": "kReachUtils::calcPricePerMinute",
    "objectType": "KalturaVendorCatalogItemPricing"
  "engineType": "OpenCalaisReachVendor.OPEN_CALAIS",
  "sourceLanguage": "English",
  "allowResubmission": false,
  "objectType": "KalturaVendorExtendedAudioDescriptionCatalogItem"

Adding VTT files for Extended Audio Descriptions

Adding VTT files for extended audio descriptions (historical / deprecated method)

Example of an API call to create an Attachment asset using attachmentAsset.add - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation (historical / deprecated):

curl -X POST \
    -d "ks=$KALTURA_SESSION" \
    -d "entryId=1_eyl6k4e0" \
    -d "attachmentAsset[objectType]=KalturaAttachmentAsset" \
    -d "attachmentAsset[format]=1" \
    -d "attachmentAsset[tags]=AAD" \
    -d "attachmentAsset[fileExt]=vtt"

Example of an API call to transfer the VTT file to Kaltura using attachmentAsset.setContent - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation (historical / deprecated):

curl -X POST \
    -d "ks=$KALTURA_SESSION" \
    -d "id=978675" \
    -d "contentResource[objectType]=KalturaUrlResource" \
    -d "contentResource[forceAsyncDownload]=false" \
    -d "contentResource[url]"

Adding VTT files for extended audio descriptions (current / recommended method)

Example of an API call to create a caption asset asset using captionAsset.add - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation (current / recommended):

curl -X POST \
    -d "ks=$KALTURA_SESSION" \
    -d "entryId=1_eyl6k4e0" \
    -d "captionAsset[displayOnPlayer]=false" \
    -d "captionAsset[format]=3" \
    -d "captionAsset[isDefault]=0" \
    -d "captionAsset[label]=English%20Extended%20Audio%20Description" \
    -d "captionAsset[language]=English" \
    -d "captionAsset[objectType]=KalturaCaptionAsset" \
    -d "captionAsset[usage]=EXTENDED_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION"

Example of an API call to transfer the VTT file to Kaltura using captionAsset.setContent - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation (current / recommended):

curl -X POST \
    -d "ks=$KALTURA_SESSION" \
    -d "id=9876576" \
    -d "contentResource[objectType]=KalturaUrlResource" \
    -d "contentResource[forceAsyncDownload]=false" \
    -d "contentResource[url]""

Example of a captionAsset that was created using captionAsset.setContent - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation (current / recommended):

  "totalCount": 1,
  "objects": [
      "id": "1_w4i36lsl",
      "entryId": "1_umelz5y0",
      "partnerId": 5232311,
      "version": "1",
      "size": 2696,
      "tags": "",
      "fileExt": "vtt",
      "createdAt": 1741701527,
      "updatedAt": 1741701668,
      "description": "",
      "sizeInBytes": "2696",
      "captionParamsId": 0,
      "language": "English",
      "languageCode": "en",
      "isDefault": false,
      "label": "English - EAD",
      "format": "3",
      "status": 2,
      "accuracy": 100,
      "displayOnPlayer": false,
      "usage": "1",
      "objectType": "KalturaCaptionAsset"
  "objectType": "KalturaCaptionAssetListResponse"

Example of a response after requesting catalog item details for an Extended Audio descriptions job using vendorCatalogItem.get - Kaltura VPaaS API Documentation:

  "flavorParamsId": 0,
  "clearAudioFlavorParamsId": 0,
  "outputFormat": "3",
  "id": 20692,
  "vendorPartnerId": 5484572,
  "name": "Extended AD test",
  "systemName": "Extended AD test",
  "createdAt": 1692433906,
  "updatedAt": 1692433906,
  "status": 2,
  "serviceType": 1,
  "serviceFeature": 9,
  "turnAroundTime": -1,
  "pricing": {
    "pricePerUnit": 0,
    "priceFunction": "kReachUtils::calcPricePerMinute",
    "objectType": "KalturaVendorCatalogItemPricing"
  "engineType": "OpenCalaisReachVendor.OPEN_CALAIS",
  "sourceLanguage": "English",
  "allowResubmission": false,
  "objectType": "KalturaVendorExtendedAudioDescriptionCatalogItem"

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