Document entry

A document entry can serve various purposes, such as providing event details, instructions, or supplementary materials to enrich the hosted media. You can upload and view documents in formats like pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, csv, and txt, and you can also add them to playlists.

You must have the Theming module with the mediapage feature enabled, the UploadMedia module, and the documententry module enabled.

Upload a document

1. Click the + Create button, and select Upload

Depending on what is enabled in your environment, your + Create menu may look slightly different. If there is an option missing, please contact your Kaltura administrator to discuss how to enable it in your environment.

If your admin set a disclaimer on your site for users to accept before uploading content, the following screen displays. 

2. Click the disclaimer button to accept.

The Upload Media page displays. 

3. Click Select Files and choose one or multiple files, or drag and drop files inside the dotted area. Different types of files may be uploaded at the same time.

For MS Word and PowerPoint files, a maximum of 10MB is supported, and for Excel files, up to 5MB. Attempting to upload files larger than 10MB will trigger a 'file too large' error message after the view component loads for a while.

Kaltura MediaSpace supports uploading files in all major browsers - Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE 10+.

The upload process begins. If multiple files were selected, one file starts the upload process, and the rest of the files are then added to the queue. The queue continues to upload content from bottom to top, skipping any canceled or errored-out media.

The status of the upload is indicated on the right of each item as well as the top left of the Upload Media window: 

Upload statuses

  • In Queue - When uploading multiple files, only one is uploaded at a time. While waiting, the other files are In Queue. Items in this status may be canceled and are then moved to the cancelled status.
  • Uploading - Files in Uploading status display the percentage completed next to the status. The thumbnail display changes according to the percentage passed. Items in this status can be canceled and are then moved to Cancelled status.
  • Processing - This status indicates that the video is converting and, when ready, the thumbnail is displayed.
    The Cancel Upload button is no longer available and is replaced with a link to the media page.
  • Ready - This status indicates that the file has completed uploading and displays the thumbnail. The Cancel Upload button is no longer available and is replaced with a link to the media page.
  • Failed - This status indicates an upload failure which may occur for many reasons. You can't cancel or edit media in Failed status.
  • Cancelled - Once this status is displayed, only the 'Remove' button is available to remove the media line from the list.

As long as there is at least one file that has the status "In Queue" or "Uploading", the blue moving circle is displayed.

Make sure not to close or navigate away from the browser tab. This cancels all items pending in the queue and any file currently in the Uploading status. 

Bulk actions

The bulk actions (All Media) row is displayed at the top of the upload list. 

  • Cancel All Uploads displays as uploads are taking place. Clicking this button cancels any currently Uploading and In Queue entries. Entries that are Processing (converting) or Ready are not affected. After all uploads are moved out of the Uploading and In Queue statuses, the Cancel All Uploads button changes to the My Media link, which opens in a new tab.
  • Set Privacy to All will be available in future releases.
  • Edit All allows you to edit multiple media. 

When your document has finished uploading, the entry will say Ready

Edit details

Single entry

1. Click Edit

2. In the details window, you can edit the title, and add a description and tags for the uploaded file. 

Multiple entries

1. Click Edit All to add tags for multiple documents at once.

2. Type a keyword and press enter after each entry to add several tags.

3. Click Update All.

If you want to skip adding details at this stage, just click Media Page to go to the entry. You can also access the new entry from My Media in the user menu.

Edit a document entry 

To edit the entry, click the 3 dots menu.

Choose Edit.

The edit page displays.

The editing tabs that are displayed depend on your Video Portal admin configuration.


Fill in or modify the metadata fields:

  • Name - A name for your item (required).
  • Description - A description for your item. Use the formatting buttons above the text box to format the text.
  • Tags* - Tags to identify your media item. For ease of use and to encourage tag consistency, as you type, suggestions are displayed based on tags already used in this account.

Click Save.

* Tags are useful for the following:

Searching - You can search by metadata (tags) in the global search to find specific content.

Related media (works specifically with tags). Any media that has an identical tag to the current one viewed, is displayed in the related bar on the right.


You can set up metadata in different languages for your item via the Languages tab. See our article Media Localization for more information.


By default, media that you upload is private. If you want other Video Portal users to be able to view it, you need to publish it. See our article Publish media for more information.


  • In the Options tab, you can disable comments and close discussion. For more information, see our article Disable comments and close discussion.
  • Each entry has the option to Download. You can disable this by unchecking the box: Allow users to download the document file.


You can change the media ownership and add collaborators. See our article Media owner & collaborators for more information.


You can set the thumbnail for your entry by uploading an image. See Set the media thumbnail for more information.


You can choose presenters for this media page. See Add presenters to media page for more information.


You can attach files to your document entry for viewers to download the file before, during, or after viewing the entry. See Add attachments to media for more information.


You can customize the design of the entry page. See Custom media display for more information.

The image below shows a document entry with a presenter and an attachment, and it has been published in the Marketing channel.

Please note, there is no capability of editing the document itself.

Document tools & features

Document entries will have different features and tools depending on the type of document you upload. The image below shows a Powerpoint file.

Click the full-screen icon to open the document in Microsoft Office Viewer. 

In the Microsoft Office Viewer, you have access to various MS Office tools, including functions like downloading and printing.

As Microsoft Office Viewer is an external application, it will allow you to download the document even if the download option has been disabled in your Kaltura application.

To exit the viewer, click X on the tab.


Users can download the document by clicking the Download option below the screen.

By default, downloading is enabled for all documents and media owners have the option to disable download for individual documents from the 'edit media' page. However, once 'disabled' is selected in the admin page, document downloading is universally disabled (see the Documententry module). However, it's important to note that even if the administrator has removed the download button, a user can always download a document from the viewing application as this is outside of Kaltura's control.


You can share a document by clicking Share

You can choose to share to networks, via email or by copying the link.


To delete an entry, click the 3 dots menu and select Delete.

The entry moves to the recycle bin.

Analytics are not currently available for document entries.

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