Updated Articles

  1. Using Meetings to create dual screen recordings New

    With Kaltura Meetings, you can generate dual screen media using the Recordings tool. When you record in a Meetings room, the recording can show two viewing streams simultaneously: one from your camera, and the second from the screen in the room...
  2. Meeting Rooms

    This article describes how to create and launch scheduled Kaltura Meeting Rooms from Mediaspace.  The accounts shown herein have the  theming module enabled. A Meeting Room can be scheduled in KMS/KAF and displays as a thumbnail on ...
  3. GroupPage Module

    About Once enabled, this module allows you to create a dedicated 'group page' where users from a group are displayed in a tidy grid layout, while promoted users take the spotlight in a carousel. Each page can display up to 500 users....
  4. PlaylistPage Updated

    About This module controls the visibility of playlists. To enable the Channel Playlist functionality, navigate to the Channelplaylists module. To enable the ability to add content to personal playlists, navigate to the Addtoplaylists mo...
  5.  Channelcollections

    About Channel Collections are a great way to group together related content. You can create a collection of anything you want - Marketing videos, product videos, or even just a collection of favorites. The collections are c...
  6. Login Module

    About This module replaces the default login page. An advanced login page based on the Theming module designs may be configured for the relevant Authentication methods selected in the Auth module. The login page's settings are config...
  7. Listpage Module New

    About In the Listpage module, admins are able to create a new type of page containing a list of thumbnails with descriptions, each with links to external or internal pages. Note: KMS only Module. Depends on the Theming modul...
  8. Footer

    About Use the Footer module to create and configure your site's footer. The Footer module is replacing the basic footer that was available in the Application module and once enabled, all the previous footer configuration values are ove...
  9. Personalprofile

    This is a KMS-only module that depends on the Theming module . About The Personalprofile module provides the ability to create a My Profile page in KMS Video Portal. Users can access their profile by visiting {KMS_URL}/profile, where t...
  10. Helppage

    About Use this module to set up a Help or FAQ page with sections for questions, answers, and optional titles or "Contact us" links. After enabling, your page will be accessible via "/help" URL. Make sure there are no confli...
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