Updated Articles

  1. Session publishing capabilities

    You may publish/unpublish sessions from the Events to your Kaltura video portal(s) per channel. This article will walk you through that process.
  2. Agenda tab - Add and edit Pre-recorded session

    This article describes how to add and edit a Pre-recorded session.
  3. Agenda tab - Add and edit Live Webcast session

    This article describes how to add and edit a Live webcast session.
  4. Agenda tab - Add and edit Interactive Room session

    This article describes how to add and edit an Interactive room session.
  5. Login link via email (AKA "Magic Link")

    This article describes the event experience using the login link via email (AKA "Magic Link").
  6. Registration tab - Set up registration

    This article describes how to design the registration form attendees will be required to complete in order to officially register for your event. It also describes how to publish the registration and preview the registration form.
  7. Event site editor tab - Create custom event pages

    The Event site editor acts as a one-stop-shop for all your event page and registration form building needs.
  8. Branding tab - Brand the event

    This article describes how to implement your brand on the event's site.
  9. Customize your Lobby page

    The Lobby (coming soon) page acts as a "waiting room" or a landing page until the event site is open. You may customize the look of your Lobby page.
  10. Event details tab - Edit event details

    This article describes how to edit the event details and setting a custom URL. Herein, we also direct you to an article about customizing your Lobby page.
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