Troubleshooting the player

Kaltura displays meaningful error messages with details on why the said error occurred. Following is a list of possible player error messages:

There’s a problem with your network 

Please check your network connection and try again.

Text stream error

Text stream error occurred.

Media stream error 

One or more media streams have failed. 

Play manifest error 

Error processing the play manifest.

Cannot load stream

A streaming protocol error occurred.

Media unavailable 

You don’t have permissions to view this media.

Media casting error

An error occurred while trying to cast, please try again. 

VR experience error

The VR-360 plugin has encountered an error, please try again later.

Media is being processed

Media is processing, check back soon.

Geo location unavailable

This content is unavailable in your region. 

Media unavailable 

This media has been restricted. Please obtain relevant permissions to access content. 

Following is an example error message - "There’s a problem with your network - Please check your network connection and try again."

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