The game services leaderboard

The Game Services Leaderboard is a real time service base on user actions on multiple Kaltura applications and is for VIrtual Events only.

The leaderboard is based on Kaltura Analytics events and infrastructure.

 Note: This is a KMS-only module that depends on the Theming module.

The currently supported data sources are:

  • Registration events
  • Entry Playback (live /VOD)
  • Quiz submission
  • Chat and Collaborate upvote
  • External Sources

In its simplest form, the leaderboard is a sorted high score listing. The leaderboard provides a platform for creating and managing scores and ranks.  It displays the names, scores and ranks of the leading participants in a competition.

A gamification layer within the platform motivates users to use the platform more, increase engagement and stimulate a competition between different users.


  • Each user has a score and rank

    • Collect Points based on an activity

    • Get a high score to rank on the top of the leaderboard

    • Users can see their own score/rank and their place inside the group.

  • Admin sets up the activity rules for points collection.

  • Users cannot lose points, only gain.

  • Users with the same rank - the first user to achieve this rank will be higher on the leaderboard.

  • Users can be included/excluded from the Leaderboard (based on groups).

  • Final score report - consists of a summery of points per rank, score, user and rule - from highest to lowest.

Point Collections

How to Collect Points (Supported Rules)

Rule name

Description of rule


Register to site

Create an account on the platform

  • The points will be granted based on “confirmation” beacon > User confirmed their registration email.

  • This is a one time points distribution per user.

Bonus: First Registrants

Be one of the first [number] users to register to the site

Watch VOD videos

Each minute of the video watched is a point/s

  • Cap minutes per video is the video’s length.

  • No cap per user/number of entries.

  • The user can watch half of the video twice and still get the full points.

Watch live 

Each minute of the video watched will earn attendee points

  • To support DVR - Cap minutes per video needs to be defined in advance.

  • Do not use the same live entry twice for two different live sessions.

  • Gain points for The VOD associated with the live entry is not supported.  

  • The user can watch half of the video twice (using DVR) and still get the full points.

Submit questions for the specialist Q&As

Receive [number] upvotes on questions submitted (CnC group chat)

  • Maximum of [number] comments per user can be enforced.

  • Self-upvote is not counts as an upvote.

  • Each user can only upvote ones for the same comment.

Complete the quiz

Receive points based on the number of rightly answered questions.


Bonus: First [number] users to complete the quiz

Be one of the first [number] users to complete a quiz 

  • Regardless of quiz’s score

External Rules

Importing external rules

  • Supports both Delta and cumulative aggregation of points.


Registration When a user registers for an event they are several different actions that are performed. For example,  you may gain bonus points if you are one of the first to register. or if you register within certain dates.

Entry playback - this is probably one of the most used cases.

Quiz submission - actions based on whether you submitted score, whether you've anseered all questions, currently support simple quiz score and you can get point based on that.

CNC  upload - if you have an entry you can get points for upvotes, number of comments

External source - for use cases out of Kaltura to give users points. A customer can manage their own set of rules and points per uses for points and according to rules. 

The Leaderboard UI

How to Get Points

User names are clickable and direct you to their profile page.

You can also add comments to users.

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