The Kaltura game services leaderboard


Use this module to create a leaderboard page on your the KMS site  . The leaderboard presents users with score and rank for each of the site’s users.

Configuring the leaderboard

enabled - Select Yes to enable the Leaderboard module.

dataSource - Select how the page will get its data. When selecting the manual option, you will be asked to import a csv file with the rank, score, and ID of each user.
Automatic options are currently unavailable and should be released soon.

The currently supported data sources are:

  • Registration events
  • Entry Playback ( live /VOD
  • Quiz submission
  • Chat and Collaborate upvote
  • External Sources
importUsersData - Click Upload to upload a CSV containing the users' “userId, Score, Rank”.
The CSV should be sorted by Rank (1 is at the top), and have a header line, starting with “*” (e.g. “*userId, Score, Rank”).
LeaderboardId - Enter the Leaderboard ID.

numberOfUsers - Choose to display all users in the system on the leaderboard using pagination, or display the top users only.

pageDescription - Enter a description for the page.

tableColumns - Select the column you want to display for each user that is on the leaderboard.

Creating rules for the leaderboard

The configuration fields are:

Enter the Title of the Rules modal box.

Enter the description for the Rules modal box.

pointsRules  Use this section to add a new rule on the “How to get points” modal box.

Click +AddPointsRules to start adding rules.

Select the icon to show for this rule.

Describe the way to collect the rule's points. (e.g.“Start watching a video“)

Describe the points allocation. (e.g.“Get 10 Points)

The How to Get Points screen display is as follows.

The following are configuration settings for additional rules:

Select the icon to show for this rule.

Describe the way to collect the rule's points. (e.g.“Start watching a video“)

Describe the points allocation. (e.g.“Get 10 Points)“

Select the icon to show for this rule.

Describe the way to collect the rule's points. (e.g.“Start watching a video“)

Describe the points allocation. (e.g.“Get 10 Points)“

Select the icon to show for this rule.

Describe the way to collect the rule's points. (e.g.“Start watching a video“)

Describe the points allocation. (e.g.“Get 10 Points)“

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