New Articles

  1. Access and work in the Media Gallery

    Overview The Media Gallery is a repository of videos for a particular course that is visible to all instructors and students within the course. Users may contribute new media items to the Media Gallery or add media items (publish) from M...
  2. Access and work in the Media Gallery

    Overview The Media Gallery is a repository of videos for a particular course that is visible to all instructors and students within the course. Users may contribute new media items to the Media Gallery or add media items (publish) from M...
  3. Access and work in the Media Gallery

    Overview The Media Gallery is a repository of videos for a particular course that is visible to all instructors and students within the course. Users may contribute new media items to the Media Gallery or add media items (publish) from M...
  4. Header Updated

    This module is used to configure settings for the header. Configure 1. Go to your KMS or KAF admin page, and navigate to the Header  module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/header. The Header...
  5. 3Play Media

    3Play Media provides closed captioning, transcription, and audio description services to make video accessibility easy. Simply upload your file and start. Kaltura, through our Reach framework, automates 3Play Media's captioning services within t...
  6. Marketo integration for Kaltura Events

    Marketo integration for Kaltura Events allows you to receive and sync data on your event registrants and attendees from Kaltura to your Marketo account.
  7. Channelthemingui module

    This module is used to set a new theme for channel pages based on the Theming module and designs.
  8. Channelcollections

    About Channel Collections are a great way to group together related content. You can create a collection of anything you want - Marketing videos, product videos, or even just a collection of favorites. The collections are c...
  9. PlayKit JS Share

    Overview This guide will walk you through the configuration of the Share UI Plugin for the Kaltura Player JS for developers. The Share plugin enables to share of the current content or some other content-related URL to social media. Share plugin ...
  10. Playback Configuration

    Introduction Playback options can be configured in The Kaltura Player Studio in the Kaltura Management Console (KMC) or in the front-end application.  Within the configuration object provided to the Player, you can configure various option...
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