How to create an AppToken authentication via API?

Administrators may use AppToken to generate a custom privileged KS for users who access the Kaltura API. To learn more about AppToken authentication, please visit

This guide is a supplement of the steps given in

To create an AppToken authentication via API

  1. Open the API console at (Sign In) or
    1.1 In case Testme Console is used, first, you will need to generate a KS session as demonstrated on How to Start a Kaltura Session using the TestMe Console.
    1.2 Grab the KS string from the output which will be needed in the next step.
  2. Get an AppToken ID
    2.1 Set the resulted KS string from step 1 and paste it into the Kaltura API session field.
    2.2 Select appToken.add  
    2.3 Select KalturaAppToken > hashType. Select the desired hash type (SHA-1 is the default hash function used with Application Tokens.)
    2.4 Select Send
    2.5 Grab the id and token from the output which will be needed in the next steps.
  3. Start a Widget Session
    3.1 Select Session.startWidgetSession
    3.2 Set widgetId. The widgetId should be a partnerId (PID), with an underscore at the beginning, e.g. _1234567.
    3.3 Select Send
    3.4 Grab the KS string from the output which will be needed in the next steps.
  4. Compute the Hash
    4.1 Create a string that is compiled from the KS (generate in step 3) and the token (generated in step 2). These 2 values should be concatenated (KS+token, in this order).
    4.2 Take this string and hash it using the same hash type as the one used for creating the App Token in step 2.3.
    You may use an online hash generator as or
    4.3 Grab the 'tokenHash' output which will be needed in the next step.
  5. Start the App Token Session
    5.1 Set the resulted KS string from step 3 and paste it into the Kaltura API session field.
    5.2 Select appToken.startSession
    5.3 Set the token id string found in step 2.
    5.4 Set the tokenHash string found in step 4.
    5.5 (Optional) Set the desired userId and/or type and/or expiry and/or sessionPrivileges.
    5.6 Select Send
    5.7 The returned output result will reveal the privileged KS.
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