How to add Annoto to Kaltura V2 Player

  1. Login to the KMC:
  2. Choose the desired player (e.g., ‘Example Player – Basic’).
  3. From the menu on the right, choose Plugins (the plug icon).

  4. Create new plugin for the desired player by clicking the Create New Plugin button.
    A message box is displayed.
  5. Enter the plugin name 'annoto' then click the Add button. Note: The plugin name must be 'annoto' for functionality to work.
  6. Define the following variables for the plugin:
    • Name: iframeHTML5Js
    • Name: domain
    • Type: Text
    • Value:
      • EU:
      • US:
      • Staging:
    • Name: customerKey
    • Type: Text
    • Value: eyJhbGciOiJ (The Customer Key for your domain provided by Annoto).
      • This depends on the Annoto use case. 
      • If you are not sure, please contact your Annoto support to get more information. 

        If Annoto LTI is used, the customerKey configuration is not required. 

      • If customerKey is not provided, Annoto loads in Demo Mode. Demo Mode allows you to experience the product, but all comments created are not saved after page refresh.

  7. Save player settings. You are now ready to use the player with Annoto capabilities.

For more information see,

To activate Annoto with the Kaltura V7 player, simply enable the Annoto module. For more information, see the Annoto admin guide.

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